This month's waxing Moon occurs in Taurus and with such a heady blend of Leo energy still fizzing away in the heavens, this can tempt us all to have rather a lot of the things we like.
Of course if we do, there may be consequences, so if you are on a strict diet, trying to keep your finances nailed down, or trying to simplify your existence, this could be challenging. Someone close may also try to project some kind of guilt trip around some cash or possession. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 7th August 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Mercury and Jupiter are side-by-side for one final day. This can certainly give you the confidence to show a creative flourish, but if this impacts on your resources in terms of any risk taking, try to zone in on what's absolutely vital, rather than taking a broad brush approach. The devil as ever, will be in the detail.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Anything you've been trying to accomplish on the home front from a practical viewpoint is probably got to such a stage that you're keen to share it with those that really matter. Even if you have been feeling more inward or have been working through some rather delicate personal issues, a more bubbly phase beckons.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You need to balance your most enthusiastic utterances with a real slice of reality, Gemini. If you promise more than you can truly deliver not only will it affect your credibility, it can see you feeling rather pulled about, and just when you want to enjoy the day, a certain amount of stress can creep into the equation.{copytag:[560]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It wouldn't be a surprise if you were thinking about travel today, or even higher education. What you may also be doing is checking out just how much this will cost and whether you can truly afford it. Staying realistic whilst exploring your options can actually prove very rewarding. You might even consider a new vehicle.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
This has been quite a momentous period, even if that may not necessarily be how you see things. However, look back over the last year. Think about how things have evolved during that period and the strands that you've been able to develop. Something may not have given a complete return yet, but that doesn't mean it never can.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your ruling planet is set to arrive home with you over the weekend. And it is going to be something that you will really appreciate. This can see you move from a period of thinking, researching and even pondering, to one of action – but perhaps more in the mental sphere at this stage, as the past is still sounding an echo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You can find yourself thinking more about what you're going to do for the weekend. What may surprise you within this, is that thoughts of someone you haven't seen for some while can become that much more vivid. This can lead you to scan social media sites for such an old friend or associate, intrigued to know how they are.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Although there may be responsibilities to clear up, you can take these in your stride, and it can actually be quite enjoyable to help guide or mentor someone you're connected to or work with. In fact, if there is talk of getting together in some kind of social way, it could just as easily be with colleagues or workmates.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your ruler Jupiter has been in an impressive embrace with Venus all this week. Though they're still close to one another, it's Mercury's time to connect to the planet of expansion. This combination can really give you itchy feet, so if you can create some diversions today, or do something completely different, then why not?
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may have found yourself on something of a crash course, whether in terms of understanding more about the technical spec of an item you may be considering buying or around any kind of financial planning or business situation. But the rub really will come before the end of this week, when you can truly evaluate the facts.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Things can be very fluid around your relationships and interaction with others. Not everybody may agree with the way things are going. For example; if you are trying to forge some kind of alliance, as much as you would like to think the best of the other party realism is the key. But even in your love life, perfection may be just out of reach.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone may be a mine of knowledge when it comes to nutrients, vitamins or health tips. It may pay you to listen up to what they have to say. Yet even if you do by absorbing the information you're learning this may require you to alter your approach in some way, and you could find yourself strangely reluctant – despite the logic.