Venus glides into Scorpio, joining with Mercury like the planet of talk of thought and goes face to face with the unpredictable Uranus. We can expect some things to develop suddenly this week, but opportunities can emerge. The Sun also forges a stunning angle with Jupiter, but the Full Moon does see a square with power broker Pluto and one tie could real make or break. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 7th October 2019 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While you continue to be proactive around relationship issues, this week has a deeper theme encouraging you to look to finances, business matters and deep soul bonds. And with Venus entering Scorpio, the intensity of key desires can be keenly felt and very compelling. The Full Moon's link with Pluto could see you issuing an ultimatum if you can't get what you need.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Resolving any scheduling issues can be key to enjoying a more fluid lifestyle, and making the most of your days. And yet you could feel challenged on this score as the Sun and the weekend Full Moon make edgy angles. Trying to push yourself beyond what you can reasonably manage? It may not be worth it. As Venus sashays into Scorpio, passions can intensify in a key bond.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Should you go solo or pool resources for better effect? Finding out what suits you best regarding a project or enterprise can be a balancing act, and in the end, a compromise might well suit you. Ideas and opportunities could come out of the blue, so be prepared for these too. As lovely Venus glides into Scorpio, there is potential for a sizzling attraction as you go about your week Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Fiery Mars in your home zone can encourage you to de-clutter those hotspots and get your place shipshape. Keen to make changes? There could be conflict between you and others about this, which could result in matters coming to a head this weekend. If you can sort this out tactfully, so much the better. As Venus enters your leisure zone, it's time to relish some sparkling outings.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Patience might be needed in discussions and various communications, as others may not be as forthcoming as you would like. Intense feelings over the weekend suggest you could lose your cool and make an impulsive decision, so go easy. Unexpected developments can impinge on family plans, so try to stay flexible Leo. Plus, ideas to beautify your home can truly inspire you.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Should you buy it or hold back? Whatever it is, you could feel conflicted about what is best for you. The temptation to go for it regardless, could also make itself felt. This is a great time for reforming your spending habits, but you could easily splurge in excess over the weekend. Communicating can be easier from this week, even if you need to shock to get your point across.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
What you want and what others want may be very different, as you'll likely find out. And much as it can be in your nature to compromise you may not feel like it. Plus, with Venus your ruler moving into your sector of values, you might be more inclined to go with what is true for you. The weekend could be fairly volatile, especially if you decide to clear the air by saying it like it is.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may need to make important decisions, but with a focus on a private sector, could put off the moment of truth. Events might push you to look key issues in the eye and choose, which may not be easy. Still, with lovely Venus entering your sign, you could be more inclined to reach out for advice. A reduced schedule at the weekend can ease the effects of a feisty Full Moon.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Whatever your main priority this week, it may eventually come down to money or time, and in either case, you can afford to go ahead. You may feel you have reached a stalemate, but by the weekend a more dynamic and emotional focus could encourage you to blast through obstacles to get what you want. And compromise might be the last thing on your mind if you do.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Trying to keep everyone happy could be a full-time job. Possible conflict with someone in authority and within the family, could make for a lively week. But with Venus entering your social zone, any such matters may be offset by the potential for romance and exciting encounters. The weekend Full Moon could encourage power battles unless you can bring patience into the mix.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may be eager to go on exciting adventures and yet feel an equally strong desire to stick strictly within your comfort zone. The coming week could bring this matter to a head. As the saying goes, '€œNothing ventured nothing gained.'€ If you can drop those limiting beliefs the world could open up for you in a big way Aquarius. Regarding a key goal, diplomacy might ease progress.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Clashes with a social group or friend could result in you making a few changes concerning the people you hang out with Pisces. You may have thought about this some while back, but with a fiery Full Moon angling towards Pluto and challenging key values, it may be time you followed through. On another note, an encounter while travelling could be like a real breath of fresh air.