The New Moon in Gemini kicks off this week, but it also forges a super link to Mars in Cancer. This combined energy gives us the chance to articulate our feelings and passions more effectively. This week also sees a fine link between Venus and Pluto, deeping the feelings we have for those who really matter. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 3rd June 2019 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This week's New Moon in Gemini, encourages communication and inspires you to get your message out to others. And with convivial Venus moving in over the weekend, it's also the perfect time for networking and closing deals. Lively Mercury will also move into your domestic sector, and the conversation may go deeper and involve issues that may affect home and family.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Much can be accomplished this week, particularly if you use a little charm to influence the outcome of a plan or project. Need to get finances on track? A powerful lunar phase can be key to doing so. It's a great time to kick-start a new budget or to get into the saving habit. Even so, with lovely Venus entering this zone at the weekend, the temptation to splurge may increase.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The New Moon in your sign, is the best of the year for you and an opportunity to put the past behind you and forge ahead with your brightest ideas. And it seems you are doubly lucky, as luscious Venus moves into Gemini at the weekend, making you an attractive option. Moneywise, the cosmos encourages you to save spare cash and recycle rather than purchase something new.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Need to find closure on an issue? The New Moon in a more secluded sector, makes this the ideal time to let go of the past so you can embrace sparkling opportunities. One issue could come to a head, but if you're willing to talk it over with the right person, the resulting insights could resolve this. And with lively Mercury entering your sign, sharing your ideas can bring a lot of support.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may have your eye on the golden prize linked to a goal or career move, but don't let others see how eager you are. A relaxed but positive approach could net you your aim. A potent lunar aspect can kickstart a new phase that may see you reaching out to new groups or relishing being involved in an enterprising team project. Try not to make any big promises this weekend though.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A lively lunation in your sector of goals and ambitions can be one of the best times to set your sights on the next rung of the ladder. Have a career move or ambition in mind? This is the time to start. With luscious Venus in this zone from the weekend, a little charm can enhance your results. Socially, team projects might appeal, especially if they involve your local community.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
This week can see you feeling much more optimistic, and ready to explore far horizons and fresh opportunities. Considering a bold move? This is an excellent time to have a go, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone, as you'll likely make new friends along the way. Talking to those at the top can enhance your progress regarding a key ambition or career move.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may be in deep conversation with someone who could become a supportive friend or even a romantic partner. Whatever you discuss early this week might see this bond becoming stronger. In addition, a powerful focus on your sector of transformation suggests that it's time to use a burdensome situation as a stepping stone to something better Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Are you ready to take on a partnership? This week's New Moon can be excellent for all kinds of pairings, whether business or romance orientated. And with sultry Venus moving into your sector of relating Sagittarius, it will be easier to smooth over any difficulties and impress the right people. Need to talk something over? Mercury's move into a powerful zone could initiate a healing.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you've been thinking about your health, now is a great time for action. The lunation in your sector of wellbeing and lifestyle can be a turning point if you're ready to commit. At the same time, Mercury enters your sector of relating, where its presence can clarify situations and encourage solutions. Ask questions first before committing to anything this weekend though.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
This can be a week of positive discovery, as a budding romance may blossom or a creative idea could show great promise. Take advantage of the New Moon in Gemini to move things to the next level, and you likely won't regret it. Plus, lovely Venus in your leisure sector, encourages you to connect with those who share your hobbies, as this could initiate a new social phase.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
This is one of the best weeks for kickstarting a home venture such as redecorating, renovating or getting ready for a move. A powerful lunar tie in your domestic sector, could also be perfect for launching a home business. But then opportunities for leisure activities and for learning a new hobby or skill may be very enjoyable, and could leave you much uplifted too Pisces.