Weekly Horoscopes 16th December 2019

Jupiter is sparkling brightly in its alliance with Uranus. Located in Capricorn and Taurus respectively, this points towards trying new approaches but which see tangible results. We just need to be mindful in the second half of the week of following up on details, which could prove hazy or illusive. The Winter Solstice ushers in the Sun's arrival into Capricorn on Sunday. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 16th December 2019 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Ready to push forward with a project? Powerful links involving Mars your ruler, can give you the focus and motivation to make progress. And the Sun's move into an influential zone, can be a call to get priorities in order. Still, you may be tempted by unrealistic proposals, and if so, it's best to steer clear. Your social zone lights up, adding sparkle to festive events and get-togethers. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Someone may be urging you to make a move, and it might be their words that inspire you to do so, Taurus. Whatever it is, it likely involves moving out of your comfort zone, and yet once you take the plunge it could be a relief. Plus, with sweet Venus in your sector of ambition, networking can bring positive results, and even conflicting opinions could encourage ideas and fresh solutions.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A determination to make key decisions and get things moving can pay dividends Gemini, and could see you pushing ahead with big plans. And yet with Mercury angling towards Neptune, a false move might set you back. Avoid taking on board advice that sounds good, but may be dubious. Still, as Venus enters Aquarius, you can be open to love adventures and travel options.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Collaborating with another? What you accomplish this week could be remarkable if you put your minds to it. On another note though, something might appeal and may seem to offer an easy solution to a difficult issue. Avoid getting involved, as it may not help at all. With luscious Venus entering an intense zone and linking with Uranus, an encounter could spark an attraction Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Instinctual feelings could find you making changes that reflect your deepest needs, and that inspire a shift in habits and routines. This may be something you are very serious about and if followed through, could make a major difference to your lifestyle. Relationships can also benefit as sultry Venus enters Aquarius, bringing a harmonious vibe to everyday interactions.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

In-depth discussions can lead to ideas for projects or opportunities, and to make changes regarding those that are ongoing. You may need to scale back your plans, but this could bring better results overall. And the Sun's move into your romantic and creative zone, can inspire you to be more playful both with a loved one and in day-to-day life, intensifying your levels of joy.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Ready to be more resourceful? With the festive season being so demanding, this can be an opportunity to cut back and make good savings. With research and budgeting, you'll have more to spend on those things that matter and feel more in control too. As delectable Venus enters your pleasure zone, the coming weeks bring romantic and leisure options that you can relish.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Jupiter newly in your sector of talk and thought can boost confidence in ideas and decisions, and encourage you to move out of your comfort zone. This week, you may be involved in in-depth planning and research which could bring enhanced results. Going a on a shopping spree? Don't snap up every bargain, as some could be a waste of money. Let your instincts lead the way.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Trying to make sense of feelings may not be easy, especially as Mercury angles towards ethereal Neptune in a private zone. The more you attempt to separate those strands, the more muddled things can appear. With Mars making piercing aspects and encouraging honesty, clarity could dawn Archer. And you might relish any invites and find yourself drawn to someone with real flare.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the encouraging energies of Jupiter in your sign from last week and the Sun moving in over the weekend, you can begin to feel more energized and confident. Have a team project on the go? With dedicated focus, much can be accomplished over coming days. And with Venus entering your money zone, watch out for impulsive buys but do set cash aside for a pampering session.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Pursuing an important goal can be an excellent way to move beyond your limits and begin to live to your full potential. If you've held back from success in the past, then it may be down to fears of what this might mean. Following a passion can help you move through this and onward to greater heights. And with Venus entering your sign, you'll be an attractive option too Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Following up a desire to expand your horizons, could find you syncing with those who can help you accomplish a goal. It may be to travel, learn something or embark on other adventures. But if you do, you could gain friends and transform aspects of your life too. And with the Sun entering your social sector over the weekend and joining Jupiter, a sizzling opportunity can show up.