Weekly Horoscopes 12th August 2019

The heavens are urging us to be much more practical this week as Mars, Venus and the Sun, from Friday, all connecting in the sign of Virgo. But with Mercury in a sparkling alliance to the expansive Jupiter, a stroke of brilliance, coupled with good planning and detailed application, can work out wonderfully well. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 12th August 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The fiery focus continues this week, bringing opportunities for new adventures and a chance to indulge your creative skills. And as the Sun combines with sweet Venus midweek, an attraction could begin to blossom, while a key influence might coincide with a sizzling social event. Mars your ruler, enters Virgo over the weekend, which can be the start of a busier and more focused phase.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As energizing Uranus rewinds in your sign, it can bring on a desire to be even more independent than you have been. Beware mind of being contrary, just for the sake of it. A lively focus on home and family affairs continues, with the potential for a rewarding get-together. And from this weekend, a dynamic energy can see you eager to showcase your creative work or hone a skill.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The more you reach out to others the more opportunities will come your way Gemini. And one encounter could be rewarding on more than one level. Even so, a potent lunation in your sector of higher education, can encourage you to let go of beliefs that no longer serve. If a certain perspective has held you back, you may be ready to exchange it for something more helpful.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may find money flowing in, and flowing out just as quickly, unless you take time to organize your finances and put any spare cash to one side. Still, small luxuries can appeal, and the Full Moon could see you splurging a little if it helps to soothe wayward emotions. Keen to get organized and handle a backlog of paperwork? Feisty Mars can help you clear the decks Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You're still on top form Leo. And with a delightful Sun Venus tie in your sign and this week's Full Moon in your sector of relating, your bond with a significant other can sizzle. At the same time, this is an opportunity to resolve any emotional difficulties that you may have so far ignored. Go easy later in the week, as your Solar Horoscope suggests that you could find yourself talking at cross purposes at times.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be immersed in a more reflective phase, but used well, this can be incredibly productive as it can allow you time to find creative solutions to key issues, whether concerning your relationships or other more worldly affairs. And if you need to find closure on certain matters, this is the time to do so. This weekend, you can regain your Mojo, as Mars powers into your sign for a six-week stay.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Socially, you may be in demand as you continue to shine your light and enjoy interacting with all kinds of people. The Full Moon across your social axis, could bring your feelings for someone to the surface. Even so, with chatty Mercury angling towards edgy Uranus, there is a chance for mixed messages, so be careful how you handle delicate issues to avoid any confusion.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your time in the spotlight is not yet over. And with the Sun making a beautiful aspect with Venus, using charm to smooth the way ahead can work very well. Still, with energizing Uranus rewinding this week, there are going to be those who resist and prefer to go their own way. Socially, a proactive phase is beginning Scorpio, and this can do much to bolster your spirits.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This is very much a time to enjoy the great outdoors, to travel and to enjoy new experiences. Even so, a potent lunar phase could inspire you to share your feelings on more personal matters with someone you trust. Doing so could leave you energized and upbeat. The movement of fiery Mars into an emotional sector Archer, brings a chance to release whatever no longer serves.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you've been busy dealing with more intense matters such as finances, relationship issues and business affairs, this phase can continue. While the presence of Venus can smooth over any difficulties, an awkward Mercury link could coincide with difficulty in getting your point across. If you need to negotiate anything important, reflect first rather than jump to any conclusions.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As freedom loving Uranus rewinds in your home zone, you may begin to question where you belong and whether where you live is really your best option. While this may not be a good time to up sticks and move, it can invite reflection on this theme, which is a good thing. Relationships can sparkle, with the Full Moon in your sign highlighting your real feelings for a certain person.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You have the chance to excel and to enhance your reputation in general. And the more you're willing to co-operate, the easier it will be for you to succeed. If you do take exception to someone's ideas, then do so gently, as this can ensure positive interactions ongoing. From this week though, you'll be ready to speak your mind and to clear the air if a situation requires it.