Mars goes into a crunching right angle with Pluto and Saturn this week, so we need to hold onto our celestial hats. All are in Cardinal or leadership signs, and so we are going to see some power battles play out and this could be on the world stage, in politics, civil rights, Covid or our personal situations. The Sun in Leo is also compromised by Neptune and Pluto, seeing another pulse of conflicting energies. If we want to be creative or playful this week, there is lot which will compete for our attention or distract us. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 10th August 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although an awkward angle between Mars and Pluto may create tension, this can be used constructively to find a solution. If you are tired of dealing with those who seem to be moving backwards rather than forwards, then be the one to change what you want to see in the world. Ready for an opportunity? Harnessing your creative talents could see you doing well later in the week.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
There may be some work to do before you and another, or a family member, can agree on a plan. It might require you to co-operate though, and with Mercury creating a stubborn link with Uranus, this may not be so easy. Still, you could find that you both want a similar outcome, but are coming at it from different angles. By the end of the week Taurus, an agreement is possible.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Watch out for a slip of the tongue that could be embarrassing. As Mercury your ruler faces off with Uranus, you may accidentally say the wrong thing at the wrong time. But if the truth comes out, would that be such a bad thing? Other factors suggest that this is a week to clear the air and find closure on an issue. Despite the difficulties this has caused, it might still be hard to let go.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may need to navigate carefully as tensions could build, especially where your goals and ambitions are concerned. If someone seems set on undermining your efforts, stick to your plan and keep going. Mind, if this has been an issue for a while, a key aspect might find you even more determined that you will not be stopped. If you want to succeed, you will find a way.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You can accomplish much, if you are able to rise to any challenges Leo. Has an issue been ongoing for some time? If so, it could come to a head. Your focus may be on embracing bigger opportunities, but the frustration of being stuck with mundane responsibilities is something you know too well. Yet what happens this week might be the catalyst that helps set you free.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Have a brilliant idea? It's best not to put it into practice immediately. Mercury's edgy link with Uranus, could find you cutting corners in your eagerness to get moving. An intense aspect between Mars and Pluto can build up a head of steam. Unless you take care to deal with any frustrating issues thoughtfully, things might become emotional which may not be helpful Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
An excitable aspect could leave you restless, with a desire to let go of something that has become a frustrating burden. Editing this and anything else from your life too quickly may be a mistake Libra. Whatever the situation, don't bow to pressure, but create a plan that gets you from A to B in a structured way. Need an outlet for your emotions. A walk or workout might assist.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Need to finalize the details of an idea? The Quarter Moon could be a call to check the finer points, so that you can bring it all to a successful conclusion. Negotiation may be the key to resolving a loaded issue. If you can't agree, then a diplomatic approach might ease any fallout. The end of the week brings a lively link that finds you making positive progress Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Seeing the bigger picture could help you make wiser decisions Archer, and enable you to handle the details better than you might. This can be important if you are struggling with too many minor issues. When you fully understand where you are going, it will be easier to reach your destination. The Sun's positive tie with Mars may give you the oomph to push through obstacles.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A situation could reach a peak this week, leaving you with a challenge. While getting annoyed may be the easiest option will this solve anything? With Venus in your relationship sector, adopting a sensitive and diplomatic approach is wise. Need to let off steam? Channel your energy into exercise, household jobs or other physical tasks, and you will feel calmer Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With revolutionary Uranus turning retrograde the pace of change can slow, and you may be more inclined to plan rather than jump right in. You will still need to be careful over coming days though, as intense energies could inspire you to act on the spur of the moment to ease a sense of pressure. Tackle immediate issues, but wait until you feel calmer regarding key decisions.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With Mercury in conflict with Uranus, there's a danger of a misunderstanding that could be a cause of communication issues with another. Approach this gently Pisces, and with care, any issues can be swiftly resolved. Eager to push ahead with an important goal? Make use of a lively Sun/Mars angle to get started. If there are obstacles, this aspect might help you overcome them.