Weekly Horoscopes 9th October 2017

The big news story this week is the arrival of Jupiter into the sign of Scorpio for the first time in twelve years. Jupiter is all about growth, optimism and expansion and because Scorpio is about hidden talents, transformation and sprititual regeneration these are the areas that can be active in our own lives. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 9th October 2017 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your interactions with others remain under the astral microscope, and this week's Quarter Moon is just a reminder to tune into how others feel as much as your own needs. However, with Jupiter the planet of good luck, arriving in your sector of shared resources, great possibilities can emerge around business and finance for the first time in twelve years, in the next year for you, Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Mars and your ruler Venus continue to occupy a beautiful location for you this week Taurus, but by the week's end Venus does relocate into a more practical location. Still, with the joyous energies of Jupiter moving into your sector of relating, exciting opportunities will emerge to link closely with others in the next year, perhaps even one person more romantically.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You can remain focused on making some changes to where you live. The more comfortable and peaceful your surroundings, the more at ease you will be in yourself. However, the Quarter Moon could tempt you to splash out excessively on achieving those goals. The trick is going to be to stay inside of what you feel is really affordable. Venus brings magic as the week ends.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Quarter Moon in your sign this week could see you in something of a dilemma. There may be something that you feel is very important to you that you want to pursue, but it might not necessarily mesh with the people around you quite as they hope or want. Mind, when it comes to your creative, romantic or more self expressive hopes, Jupiter boosts you enormously from now.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There continues to be a tremendous amount of bubbly energy around you. Conversations can be plentiful and text messages and emails can fizz in and out. As the week draws to a close, it will get easier to apply your usual charismatic influence to proceedings. But until then, just be mindful of focusing on the strands that really matter, or else you could get distracted.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This week draws to a close important changes, and especially for your zodiac sign. The first sees Venus relocating into your 2nd Solar House, which can be marvellous and lead to a stroke of financial fortune. But talking of fortune, the other big change is even more profound, which sees lucky Jupiter arrive for a year's stay in the most bubbly and inspiring part of your situation.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Two big events occur this week for you Libra. Jupiter leaves your sign and moves into your 2nd Solar House. All the hard work you've invested in the last year can be manifested in the significant improvement in your fortunes. Also, Venus your ruler, returns to your sign. By the end of this week a much greater sense of certainty can take hold in your situation.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The celestial bugles are sounding, as Jupiter, the planet of hope, optimism, growth, expansion, knowledge, fortune and self belief returns to your zodiac sign after a twelve year absence. This signals a completely new cycle in your situation. But you mustn't be passive with Jupiter and just expect it to deliver all we wish, engage yourself in deploying every ounce of talent you have.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Although your friendship sector has been very positive of late in your Solar Horoscope, the attention that you've been gathering may have been hard for someone involved in your circle to take. If so, this could show itself more this week, but you must see this as being a sign of the progress you're making. Other more sincere friends will be delighted, and this will be underlined by the week's end.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Venus and Mars spend much of this week continuing through your sector of discovery. Even in existing relationships you may find yourself minded to ask not personal, but more searching questions that will just draw you and a partner closer together through a greater understanding of what makes one another tick. Equally, more worldly opportunities can call out to you.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Sun and Mercury in your sister Air sign of Libra, life continues with a more expansive dimension. But the shift of Jupiter midweek to the top of your situation, your Midheaven, points towards different types of opportunities. In the next year your career and worldly role may take on a much greater importance in your situation. If you want it, success beckons.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The ongoing tie between Venus and Mars is such a lovely combination to improve understanding in all sorts of relationships. But despite this, the Quarter Moon this week can show those ties that have more of a political side to them than perhaps you'd like. However unpalatable it may be, it's best to try to come to terms with these. Mind, one bond can certainly get much deeper and closer.