The great news is the Jupiter finally goes direct after tracking backwards in a retrograde for the last four months. Although Jupiter is not so potent in Virgo, this week he forges an amazing angle to Venus which can give us all a fillip. However, with Mercury still rewinding, details remain key. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 9th May 2016 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes 9th May 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With the planet of expansion Jupiter moving into forward motion, hopes to improve your work situation and health and fitness regimes can all be boosted. With relating planet Venus also angling up influentially to the planet of change, this week may also see a breakthrough around your earning power or worldly status. Recent confusion can ebb away. {copytag:[643]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
It's true that the planet of communication Mercury continues to rotate backwards in your zodiac sign. However, it still forges a fabulous link to the go-getting energies of Jupiter, which by contrast goes direct. So, despite the odd delay or mix up, there is a genuinely bright backdrop developing for you. New frontiers are there for you to exploit, if you seize them.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You are known, and rightly, for your sparkling persona and quick wits. However, the planets continue to urge you on a journey of inner personal discovery. This process may not be obviously stimulating, but what you learn now can hold you in good stead for many Moons' to come. Continue to reflect and reprise, for life's answers lay deep within your own resources.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You have found yourself treading a delicate line between being a people pleaser and pleasing yourself, and it has probably been wearing at times during the last month. Even now, it can seem that others sometimes make decisions based more on their needs than yours. Still, there is plenty of potential for good collaboration, you just need to seek it out Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Your path to global domination may not be without the odd hiccup Leo, but your natural star quality can still shine out like a beacon. It's just that not everyone is going to get you, but plenty will. The trick is going to be in appreciating who appreciates you. But you may not be able to reach this point only on your own terms. Look to fit in with others too.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although your guide planet Mercury is still tracking backwards, at least the confusing and draining clash of last month between Mars and Neptune is at an end. All sorts of expansion, widening of horizons and exciting possibilities can still emerge, but you may need to learn as you go, and be receptive to different approaches and even unusual but stimulating people.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your communication and reflective sectors have been under a certain amount of duress, but with Jupiter now going forwards, the next four months may see you developing some significantly different perspectives. Some of this may come about because others are resistant to your existing views and ideas. So it may not be a perfect process, but a highly valuable one.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Don't underestimate the impact that your ideas and views can have on the people that you encounter Scorpio. Equally, the more receptive you are to other people's viewpoints, the more you have to gain. One person can be particularly influential in this regard, but don't necessarily expect others to simply nod in agreement. Some very profound exchanges are possible.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Unless there are some kind of challenging, practical, intellectual or philosophical elements to the detail of situations, you can find your attention wandering. But if you can really tune in at this time to the nitty-gritty elements of what is discussed, you might find yourself learning that one of these can actually have a more significant benefit to you, than it first seems.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Sun and Mercury, through the latter's continuing rewind, come together in a perfect alliance as this week begins. If you have a dazzling idea, even if it's a rehash of something from before, this combination and the forward motion of the expansive Jupiter, can encourage you forwards. The catch may be around your self-belief, which might need re-affirming.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Long-term business or professional hopes are going to continue to need sustained effort. It is helpful that Jupiter ends its retrograde, but it continues to be clamped in a tight right angle by your traditional ruler of Saturn. Therefore, you can't be too laissez-faire in your approach to these areas. Still, some home based changes can start to come together.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your mind can be really sharp as this week unfolds, partly because you're going to have a real talent to get beneath the surface of conversations, and understand what the value of these can be. But if you are a keen networker, or enjoy working in any kind of community hub, you can thrive. However, don't let your guard down too easily around a key professional tie.