Weekly Horoscopes 6th February 2022

The potency of last week's Full Moon pours itself into this week, asking us to manage our time, and expenditure which can be subject to last minute changes and unexpected demands. Still, Mercury speeds up helpfully, first emerging from its post Retrograde shadow on Tuesday before gliding into Aquarius on Saturday. News that has been out standing, can now emerge. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 6th February for each sign, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You're in a buoyant and sociable mood, and keen to grasp opportunities that require a leap of faith. This week expect the unexpected, as an offer could show up out of the blue. And it may enhance your income by giving you some extra cash. A more intense focus encourages you to apply yourself to something that might net you attention and perhaps a bigger following, Aries.{copytag:[827]:copytag}   

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Sun continues its journey through a highflying zone, putting you in the hotspot. There's still time to showcase your skills and let everyone know what you're capable of. If you get an intuitive nudge to follow up information or to call someone, then do so. You could benefit greatly. Plus, Mercury's merger with Pluto can help you see the truth about something important.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Looking out for information or opportunities that can expand your horizons? This week's lively line-up encourages you to take on board ideas that you might want to explore later. Amongst the many jewels you come across, one may stand out as being of great value. Need to solve a mystery? A potent influence involving Mercury, can see you enjoying the hunt for clues, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

There's a lot of reasons to feel good about life, especially with uplifting energies encouraging you onwards. If you've been holding yourself back, you'll realize the folly of your ways and be ready to take a risk, if it allows you to express your talents. Still, there is potential for some intense conversations that might lead to a decision. Don't put them off, as they can be game changers.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You're well-placed to get support for a daring plan that could take your life in a new direction. You're in the mood to embrace a challenge or opportunity. If you do, it will make you better known and get your name in all the right places. Obsessed about getting something perfect? A potent blend of energies suggests you may be overthinking it. Relax, and it will work out nicely.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You're going through a phase of clearing out junk. And this is happening on more than one level. As you get rid of paper piles and accumulations of old magazines, you'll also want to let go of emotional baggage that is causing congestion, and preventing you from succeeding at your wildest dreams. As Mercury hikes into Aquarius, you'll start to become more organized.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You're drawn to those who aren't afraid to try new things and who are willing to take a risk. This week, an encounter at work could bring an opportunity that might enhance your cash flow situation. It may be something you've never tried, but your partner and friends will be the first to encourage you to have a go. If you make a success of this, who knows where it could lead, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As Venus aligns with energizing Uranus, a social event could yield gold. Someone you connect with may be just the person to assist with a creative project that needs ideas and flare. It's also possible that a romance could spring up out of the blue, and you'll find this person to be refreshingly different. Plus, you may be a tad intense later in the week, so try to chill a little.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You'll have all sorts of ideas about how to improve your lifestyle, but how many of them will stick? This week can find you trying out another new option that promises the earth. And if you've never tried anything like it before, you may be smitten. Give it time Archer, and avoid jumping onto the next big thing too soon, as with patience it might work very well for you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The idea of brightening up your home could become a reality, as you'll be ready to translate your vision into action. And the Sun in your money zone might assist with getting bargains on any materials required. Once you make a start, you'll wonder why it took you so long. Have something on your mind? With focus and determination, you can get this swiftly sorted.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Sun in your sign encourages you to focus on your best dreams. These are the ones that resonate at a deep level and give your life meaning. With Jupiter working on your behalf to improve your good fortune, this is the time to take a risk. Chatty Mercury moves into Aquarius this weekend, which is great for making yourself heard and getting your message across.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As Venus aligns with Uranus, a conversation could be instrumental in bringing about a change of heart. Whatever issues you've had could melt away, as someone shares insights that make all the difference. There's also potential for an encounter that brings about a positive change. Someone's advice concerning an idea of yours could be so helpful, you'll be ready to get started.