Venus joins the Sun in Virgo on Monday, urging us to find practical ways to be supportive to others in our relationships. Mercury brightly links to Jupiter and Mars but does go Retrograde, as the Full Moon occurs on Saturday. Balancing the more physical sphere with the spiritual, psychological and emotional domains will be crucial in the next two weeks. Weekly Horoscope Forecasts for WC 5th September 2022 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Mars in Gemini, means you're in a lively and buoyant mood. But as Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks, be prepared for some delays and misunderstandings, Aries. Ready to be more health conscious? The emphasis on your lifestyle sector, encourages you to team up with others who share your wellness goals. Mind, the weekend Full Moon could find you fairly eager to indulge. {copytag:[599]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As Venus joins the Sun in your leisure zone, you're in the peak time for romance, and ready to kick back and enjoy life. Also, use this chance to showcase your skills, and express all that's great about you. Mercury rewinds, so stay alert for mistakes and be sure to read the small print. Embrace the weekend, as the Pisces Full Moon will give you a chance to relax and unwind.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With Mars roaring through your sign, you're on top form. Even so, Mercury your ruler will rewind from this week, so be prepared for mixed messages and for plans to go awry. Ready to beautify your place? Venus's move into your home zone, brings a desire for extra ambiance and elegance. The Full Moon can put you in the spotlight, so be sure to give your best performance.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You'll have more tact as Venus swings into Virgo, helping you with communication matters and making any difficult discussions so much easier. But with Mercury turning retrograde, it's just as well to be on the ball regarding important discussions and deals. And with a Full Moon in Pisces this weekend, make sure you know what's going on before you commit to anything important.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Venus's move into Virgo, encourages you to invest rather than spend, Leo. You'll be more aware of the value of things and less likely to splurge. Even so, Mercury your financial planet, does go into reverse, so be extra careful when shopping and be sure to keep receipts. You could find it hard to resist something this weekend, especially if your emotions are piqued and need soothing.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Venus sashays into your sign, you'll be ready to socialize and perhaps to get a makeover. Her presence encourages you to dress to impress, but in a way that suits your unique personality. Mercury will turn retrograde, so money matters could be delayed at times. Keep your personal information safe too, Virgo. The weekend might see one relationship brimming with emotion.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It's time to turn your attention to yourself, Libra. Venus's move into a private zone, encourages you to enjoy some self-care and relaxation. Need to find closure on a relationship? Now is the time! Mercury regresses in your sign too, so watch out for mixed messages and mistakes. This weekend, it may be worth simplifying matters, as the Full Moon could bring unexpected dramas.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your social life perks up as friendly Venus enters Virgo, encouraging you out and about. It's time to sync with those on your wavelength. As Mercury begins its backward dance, you'll have an excellent opportunity to resolve issues that have held you back. Need to talk? Help is at hand! The Full Moon over the weekend can be deeply romantic, so make the most of it, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The emphasis on a high-flying zone is enhanced as Venus moves in, making it easier to liaise, negotiate deals and to smooth the way towards greater success. You'll have to contend with Mercury retrograde though Archer, which might be a cause of frustration. On a social note, there's a chance of a reunion. Also, give your work/life balance some thought this weekend.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The coming weeks bring an opportunity to learn and revel in new experiences. With Venus moving into your adventure zone your appetite for life can increase, and some interesting encounters may be on the cards. Mind, with Mercury rewinding and a Pisces Full Moon this weekend, you might be drawn into ideas and schemes that seem great, but need some scrutiny.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As Venus joins the Sun in your sector of change, you'll have opportunities to transform stuck areas of your life. The coming weeks are great for making decisions around finances, business and deeply intertwined bonds. Something needs to shift, and this is your chance to resolve it and move forward. The Pisces Full Moon could coincide with a desire to splurge. Go easy Aquarius!
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your relationships get a boost, as Venus enters Virgo. Her healing vibes can help smooth over any difficulties, and encourage greater harmony and better communication. Even so, Mercury's retro phase could cause delays or muddles with business or financial matters, so take care. The Full Moon in your sign this weekend, brings romantic and creative energies to the fore, Pisces.