Venus glides into the proud Leo, joining with Mars. This combination can add a lot of desire to socialise and interact with one another but a fated connection is also possible. Indeed, Conversations can be lively, all week with Mercury returning to the bubbly Gemini. Pluto though rewinds to Capricorn, and worldy demands can increase as the week ends. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC5th June 2023 for each sign, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There's an intense start and end to the week, with both Venus and Mercury aligning with Pluto. So, if your emotions get out of hand or a creative project or budding romance brings out your passionate side, this is why. Mercury's move into logical Gemini can help, but by then you may have made a few decisions based on the strength of your feelings and could regret one of them.{copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You'll be keen to pour on the charm if you want something badly enough. It may be a question of persuading a family member that a plan of yours will benefit everyone. If they believe you, you'll go for it. Still, As Pluto glides back into Capricorn, the cosmos hints that there's something you're not done with yet. Reflect deeply, and when you know what it is, make a start, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While the Sun in your sign brings out the best in you, you hold all the cards early in the week when Venus opposes Pluto. If you're convinced that you'll miss out on an opportunity, you might use your skills to force the pace. It's also possible that someone might stand in your way, and if they dare to do so, you'll let them know that you have no intention of giving in too easily.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The urge to splurge could be strong this week, especially if you're feeling vulnerable and uncertain what to do next. A few treats could hit that sweet spot and boost your mood. But to make the most of the days ahead, it's wise not to let things get to you. In fact, a lovely Venus tie over the weekend is perfect for an upbeat get-together and for putting any worries to the side.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may find a loved one to be quite demanding early on, but if you can resist the urge to do what they ask just to keep the peace, things will improve. Soon enough they'll have forgotten about their request. Plus, Pluto moves back into Capricorn and your lifestyle sector, which means health and wellness will be on the agenda. If you're keen to get fitter, now is the time, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you feel the need to rest, then do so, Virgo. Don't be pressured into doing even more by someone who thinks you have an unlimited supply of energy. As Venus glides into Leo and a secluded zone, it's a time to unwind and be kinder to yourself. Over the weekend, Mercury, your guide planet, aligns with Pluto, so you'll be ready to get on board with a game changing plan.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may feel moved to stand up for someone who seems to be getting short shrift from others or another in your social group. You have a natural sense of justice, and if you're fond of this person, you'll be happy to play your part. Over the weekend, Venus's angle with Jupiter hints at a desire to indulge in comforting treats. If there's something that would make you happy, enjoy it!
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you change allegiances this week, especially those related to career and ambitions, it may be difficult to get key people back on your side. Tempted to take a gamble in other ways? It's wise to spread the risk around. If there are no takers, then perhaps you should reconsider, Scorpio. By the weekend you'll be ready to celebrate, especially if you manage to succeed at something big.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Venus's move into Leo can whet your appetite for life. Even so, her face-off with Pluto could find you pitted against someone with a powerful desire to succeed. They may seem stronger than you, but your determination to play them at their own game could mean you win in the end. This weekend you could be ready for a quick getaway and a chance to enjoy life to the max, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The coming weeks can be a time of intense desires, but early on this week you'll be smitten with something you really want. The more you think about it, the more it could call out to you. If you get it Capricorn, you may be disappointed that it doesn't bring you the happiness you deserve. The weekend may be different though. Something wonderful you never expected could show up.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If someone challenges you this week, you'll need to show them that you can bark as well as bite. Make it clear that you have no intention of pretending everything is okay when it certainly isn't. Even so, it looks like you'll gain the upper hand, if you think clearly and keep your cool. It's even possible that by this weekend you'll have them exactly where you want them, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Powerful forces are at work, encouraging you to do something about your lifestyle and routines. Venus's move into Leo means she is in immediate opposition to Pluto, and this could help you realize how much effort you've put into something, and how little you seemed to have gained by it. It's time to work smarter rather than harder, and by the weekend you'll have a cunning plan.