Mercury reverses into Taurus on Monday, asking us to micro manage all financial transactions. Some schemes may need to be rethought to be more practical. Mars arrival in Aries on Tuesday, is though exciting and as he joins with Jupiter, which turn angles positively to the Sun, there is much to go for. Solid relationships can be underlined, but any new relationship may have a catch, as Venus squares Pluto. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 23rd May 2022 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This is a dynamic time for you, when you'll show up as the fiery and spontaneous trailblazer that you are. Go-getter Mars moves into your sign midweek, and joins expansive Jupiter and luscious Venus. Your energy levels could soar, and you'll feel ready to take on any challenge. The weekend can be exciting, as a bold move might see you happily leaving your comfort zone. {copytag:[599]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You'll be eager to enhance your inner game, and to shatter those beliefs that have kept you playing smaller than is necessary. Valiant Mars moves into your sector of psychology and spirituality this week, enhancing your determination to live life to the full. Any book or teacher that can help inspire the warrior within will be welcome, as you journey onward and upward.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You already excel at working the room during key events, but as Mars joins buoyant Jupiter and Venus in your social zone, you'll be the life and soul of any party. You'll have more influence due to your charisma, and you'll impress some interesting people. And if you do have a goal, there is no better time to jump in and make it happen. Nothing can stop you reaching it!
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you've already taken advantage of Jupiter's expansive presence to buoy up your career, this week brings the chance of further breakthroughs. Dynamic Mars will empower this zone for six weeks, so you can direct your energy to achieving goals that may have been on the backburner. The weekend could see you being daring, and taking a step forward that might change your life.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
This is one week that keeps getting better as it goes along. You're primed for adventure, and as Mars moves into Aries, you'll be looking for exciting opportunities that leave you feeling alive. You need to be active, so daily exercise is a must to stave off restlessness. You'll also have plenty of courage to face down obstacles to your plans Leo, and to dare to go after big, bright dreams.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You'll be happy to pull the levers of power to your advantage, Virgo. And if you do, you might come away with an arrangement or deal that suits you perfectly. If you can make money out of it, you'll be even more delighted. You'll also be ready to embrace change and to tackle those issues that have got in the way of progress. With a clean slate, there will be no stopping you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
There's nothing boring about your love life or relationships Libra, and if you're going through a stuck phase, then Mars's move into Aries is bound to shake things up further. There's plenty of potential to rekindle red-hot passion in a bond, or to experience an instant attraction. And if you need the courage to say something to someone, you'll have no trouble getting your point across.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Ready to take the world by storm? It's time to streamline your affairs, so that you can spend more of your days fulfilling your dreams. As Mars enters your lifestyle sector, you'll have plenty of energy, and this could incline you to exercise more. The coming weeks and months might see you being victorious in so many ways. Things you never thought possible may become very doable.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Although Mercury's rewind phase could cause some delays, the positive energy and optimism that is now showing in your chart, can see you tackling any difficulties with grace and ease. Plus, with Mars moving into Aries, you'll be fired up for new adventures, and the bigger the better it seems. If there are mountains to climb, whether literal and metaphorical, you'll be there, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Wherever you hang your hat is home, as key influences can find you putting down temporary roots, especially if the travel bug hits. And while your home zone is emphasized, your sense of adventure could encourage you to explore other locations that might make a better location for your hopes and dreams. You may also be ready to give your place a major makeover.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You'll be on fire when it comes to sharing your message, or when communicating through writing, speaking and any other medium. You have the power to change hearts and minds, and if you have something to sell, you could be most persuasive. Experiencing delays? These may be a mild inconvenience. You'll find a way to overcome such matters through sheer willpower.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Finances may have shown signs of improvement, with expansive Jupiter bringing more and better opportunities your way. This trend will continue for some while yet. But this week, you get further reinforcements as Mars moves into Aries, and adds extra fuel to your money-making capabilities. If you've been dreaming up a side-hustle, you might now decide to make a go of it.