Weekly Horoscopes 23rd October 2017

The Sun enters the deep and passionate sign of Scorpio on Monday and combines with the expansive vibe of Jupiter for the rest of the week. This really can create a real sense of possibility. This can be especially so around close associations which have real depth, and also business and financial activities. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 23rd October 2017 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Two major changes occur at the start of this week when the Sun moves into Scorpio joining up with Mercury and Jupiter, and your ruler Mars moves into your opposite sign of Libra. All this could be particularly positive for you around business ventures, and especially if there's one person that you are cooperating closely with. Be confident in what you want to achieve. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your relationship sector absolutely sparkles with possibilities this week. This is going to give you a fantastic opportunity to improve your interactions with other people. Believe that things can get better for you and they most certainly will. The responses you get from others can be heart-warming, and be much more encouraging, all of which can help to lift your spirits.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Some good news is possible around your work or job situation. You can also start to feel much more energised. Whatever it is that is engaging you at the moment, the chances are it can take on even greater meaning. Perhaps an even greater up side of this, is that you can balance your imagination with a more practical way of being. This can hold many benefits for you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A real sense of excitement can build for you this week, a time when you may feel much more outgoing, and in the mood and mode to engage with new interests, and to even look to up your social interaction. If you're fortunate enough to be travelling, it could prove to be an uplifting experience. However, one person may be a little bit jealous of any progress that you make.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you're making some home improvements or moving altogether, your hopes can take a giant step forwards. Equally, if you've ever thought of starting your own business perhaps from the comfort of your abode, this too is something that can progress for you. Mind, towards the end of the week just ensure that you're not being oversensitive towards a loved one.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your communications can absolutely sparkle. If you are someone who is active in your community, this can bring a great deal of pleasure. You may even attend evening classes and learn new skills. If you've thought of being rather more active, walking, swimming and cycling can all be great to engage with. Just don't try to pack in too much towards the end of the week Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Now, it's a rare Libra that doesn't enjoy the good things in life, and the chances are there's going to be something to celebrate this week. Whether this is finding some money in an old jacket, clearing out unwanted items and selling them or even enjoying a little bit of neat speculation, you can enjoy some kind of windfall. If you do, you may wish to share some of it with a good cause.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The Sun arrives in your sign as this week begins. He joins with the ebullient energies of Jupiter, whilst Mercury in your sign links beautifully with Neptune. All of this can be fantastic for creative pursuits, or anything that you're starting afresh. In fact, any new strand begun now could turn out to be very fortunate for you over the long-term, including a new romance Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your understanding of the more nuanced side of life is set to grow exponentially over the next twelve months. It's also possible that some kind of new cause or belief system will develop for you during this time. The expansion of your awareness can be quite profound, and any kind of spirituality or raising of consciousness can grab you in a truly significant way.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Saturn has been tracking through a really challenging part of your situation for over two years. Now it will enter your sign in December, which can be positive, but it's this week's developments which can really be so enlightening. Why? Well, new networks of friendships and connections are going to develop in the next year, and one particular group could prove to be lucky.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may not see yourself as someone who is obsessed with the limelight, but it could search you out this week Aquarius, and indeed over the coming year when your Solar Horoscope activity can see you attract much more attention. What you have to offer has become much more obvious to others ever since last May¬, but now you're going to be coming much more into vogue. Prepare your best suit or frock, for you will now be in greater demand.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your desire to widen your horizons is going to become absolutely enormous from here on in. You may even be making some last-minute travel plans this week, or signing up for some course of further or higher education. The more you can inject freshness and spontaneity into your existence, the happier you are going to become. Don't be confined by limitations Pisces.