Weekly Horoscopes 21st November 2022

The Sun storms into the exuberant and expansive sign of Sagittarius, joining the delightfully closely aligned Mercury and Venus. With Mars also ending its long and brutal duel with Pluto, a lightening of intensity can be welcome for all. Wednesday's New Moon in the sign of the Archer, will further aid this, as will its Ruler, ending a Retrograde in Pisces. Yet this is a New Moon which squares Jupiter, so whatever and however we feel is likely to be amplified. For your Weekly Horoscope Forecasts for WC 21st November 2022 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This isn't the time to limit yourself to the tried and tested. This week's exuberant energies encourage you to be adventurous and to expand your horizons. It's time to take on board ideas that recently seemed a step too far and even a little exotic. Now you'll feel differently. You'll be ready to journey into the unknown, and the New Moon can help you get off to a great start, Aries.{copytag:[827]:copytag} 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Finances and business matters may be on your mind, in the sense that you'll be looking for ways to increase both. Who you know can be a big help in your search for ideas and opportunities to expand your options. The New Moon could see you stepping off the old path and onto a new one that looks more promising. And as Jupiter forges ahead, a romance could finally take off, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Co-operation is the name of the game, so there's no point in pushing others to follow your lead. As your sector of relating is emphasized, you'll do better if you work as a team rather than as rivals. And you might find you enjoy collaborating, as it allows you to pool resources and experiences. Plus, the New Moon can see a key relationship heading in a positive direction.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This week, as the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in your lifestyle zone, it may be hard to see the wood for the trees. You'll be ready to expand your options and try new things, but knowing where to start could be the hardest part. Stand back and take in the bigger picture. This way, you'll know exactly what you need to do and why. Then there'll be no stopping you, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You'll feel the urge to showcase your creative and entrepreneurial skills, and why not, Leo? You have a lot to offer, and with your natural talent highlighted, it's time to promote yourself both online and off. And someone with connections may be impressed. Plus, as jovial Jupiter turns direct in your finance and business zone, you'll soon reap the rewards for all your hard work.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the festive season on the doorstep, the emphasis on your family zone heats up. The Sun joins Mercury and Venus to create a celebratory atmosphere at home. You may enjoy entertaining and arranging get-togethers. But with the New Moon in this sector, there's also an opportunity to create positive change. Make a start now, and the results can delight you.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your social life sparkles, as the emphasis shifts to your sector of talk and thought. You'll have opportunities to attend events, liaise with old friends and new, but also to connect with others who share your interests. It's time to travel, attend cultural events and to gather information concerning new opportunities. Is there something you're keen to attempt? Give it a go, Libra!

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

It's time to look at the bigger picture, especially where your finances are concerned, Scorpio. You may feel you could do so much better than you are, which might cause you to look for a better paying job or to dream up a side hustle that gives you more cash. You'll also be optimistic that you can get what you want. And why wouldn't you? After all, you are multitalented.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

It's time to leave the past behind and to create a new future. With the Sun joining Mercury and Venus in your sign, your assured mindset and your adventurous outlook can see you aiming high. And with Jupiter your guide planet turning direct, you'll sense deep down that something is shifting, and positive change is on the way. The New Moon is your best friend in this respect.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As the emphasis shifts to a sensitive sector of your chart, the coming four weeks are a time to reflect on all you have accomplished, and to review your victories and mistakes. It's a chance to deal with issues that are hanging over you. A new phase begins for you next month, and you won't want emotional baggage and lingering situations preventing you from moving forward.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This week's openhearted and adventurous vibes encourage you to embrace life, and to consider taking on board a challenge or opportunity that pushes you out of your comfort zone. If you've had a goal in mind that is dear to your heart, this week's New Moon encourages you to make it a reality. You may not have any idea how you'll get there, but with the help of friends, you will.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in a highflying zone, your natural desire will be to aim high. Your confidence will soar, so you'll be happy to pursue a goal or opportunity that will test your skills. As Jupiter pushes ahead in your sign, you'll be ready for something that encourages personal growth and dynamic change. Even so, it helps to be aware of your limits too, Pisces.