The Pisces New Moon combines with the late located Saturn in Aquarius. This asks us all to take our emotional health more seriously. However, some sparkling interactions and conversation are possible too this week. Yet when it comes to money, business and pleasure really should be kept apart. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign for WC 20th February, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
An ethereal New Moon in a secluded zone, could focus attention on subtle and spiritual issues, and might bring vivid dreams too. If you have the opportunity, this can be an excellent time for reflection and for drawing on creative inspiration for key projects and solutions to any issues. Keen to ramp up your love life? As Venus enters your sign, you'll be in demand big time, Aries.{copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
An encounter may be fascinating, and find you deeply attracted to someone. There could be romantic overtones too, and these might be very compelling. As Venus moves into a private zone, you may want to keep a budding relationship quiet until you're ready. It's also a chance to turn your attention to yourself, and enjoy some pampering and anything that recharges your batteries.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A project, goal or ambition could be ready for the off, and the Pisces New Moon is the perfect chance to take that step forward. If you have a sound plan, you'll go places fast. Mercury in Aquarius and its links, encourages you to be more impulsive than you might. You'll be very curious about so many things, but this doesn't mean you should jump right in. Go easy!
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With a focus on your travel zone, your imagination can soar, encouraging you to get away from it all and leave your worries behind. With a New Moon in Pisces on the cards, you'll be ready for a fresh start, which includes a new perspective. You'll also find it easier to impress those in authority by applying a little charm. As Venus enters Aries, put your people skills to work.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you need to make a new start in a relationship, whether it's a business partnership or something more romantic, it's time to speak up and let them know you are serious. As Venus also sashays into Aries, you don't want to be too intense, but allow some light-heartedness into your affairs. It's about time to commit, not to a dull routine, but to ongoing adventures.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You certainly have what it takes to succeed, but there are others in your life that may need some convincing, Virgo. This week's New Moon and its lingering tie to Saturn, hints that once someone notices your potential, they'll pull out all the stops to help you. Your job is to do what you can to be seen and appreciated. Make every task count, and let your charm do the rest.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As Venus dances into Aries, have the courage of your convictions by saying what you want to say and doing what you want to do. The less you seek others' approval, the more they'll be drawn to you. Act as though it means nothing, and your popularity can soar. This is also a good time to swap bad habits for good ones. The New Moon may assist you with sticking to a new discipline.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Someone may have some unexpected news for you, Scorpio. But if you're honest, you'll realize you should have seen it coming. Perhaps the worst thing is that you know that nothing you say will make them change their mind now they've decided. And yet there may be a chink of light in a very difficult situation. If you know they have a weakness, this is the time to exploit it.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Ready to give your place a makeover? Imaginative and creative influences might inspire you to have a go, Archer. The New Moon in this sector, means this is one of the best times for a fresh start. If you need to declutter first then go for it, you'll have more energy and clarity with those unwanted items out of the way. Romance can be a hot ticket, with Venus pulling out all the stops.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
In your rush, you may have overlooked a small but important detail, and the effect of this oversight will soon become apparent. If you own up and put it right, the price you pay will be minimal. Don't let this escalate. Plus, the New Moon in Pisces, can be perfect for launching an Internet business, blog or website. Want to increase your social media following? Go for it!
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As Mercury angles towards electric Uranus, you'll be aware that once you've said something controversial, you can't unsay it. It's also possible you'll have no inkling that your words will make such an impact. And yet Mercury also aligns with Mars in nimble Gemini, so you may be able to turn a conflict to your advantage, if you can encourage others to see the funny side.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The New Moon in your sign heralds a fresh start, making this a time of action. If you've been dreaming about what might be over recent weeks, this is the moment the rubber meets the road. What do you most want to accomplish? Don't overthink it Pisces, just get moving. Your plans and ideas will evolve once you commit. And everything you need will appear at the right time.