Weekly Horoscopes 18th September 2017

The New Moon in Virgo is an opportunity to think about life's practicalities. However, the role of Neptune cannot be underestimated, so we will have to make sure facts and figures are spot on. However, the Sun moves into the fair minded Libra by the weeks end and gives us a chance to gain greater equilibrium. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope from WC 18th September 2017 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Attention to detail is going to be absolutely critical this week, and even if you've got an exciting new project that's shaping up and gripping your attention, it's going to be vital that you don't overlook small details. If you are relying on information shared by someone else, it's going to be even more important to double-check. Fortunately, your relationship sector revives from the weekend. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Someone can be highly appealing to you this week. With both Mercury and Mars in opposition to Neptune, they may just seem to express a very alluring message which appeals not just to your sense of attraction to them but perhaps also your principles and ideals. With your ruler Venus also moving midweek, in general this can be a time when you want to trip the light fantastic.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

This week's New Moon combines with the unpredictable energies of Uranus. Balancing your own personal needs with those of friends or group involvements may prove a little more challenging. You may even feel rather drained by what other people expect of you and this can be just as true around family life. Mind, your energy does revive as the week draws to a close.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your imagination can be absolutely incredible this week, and if you do have an element of your situation you want to share with other people, your communication could both dazzle and captivate all at once. However, facts and figures can be hazy so these will need some care. Midweek is particularly important, especially around a conversation with someone influential.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your financial Horoscope sector can be revived by the New Moon, and also Venus is relocating from your sign into the sign of Virgo. But if you can, try to resist any temptation to splash out on anything other than the things that are really essential. Be it in a business or personal context, shared finances can also be rather hard to pin down. Someone may not be as truthful as you would like.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With Venus moving into your sign and a Virgo New Moon, this would be a fine time to rejuvenate your personal appearance or image. Venus's arrival could also trigger a new phase in your outlook around relationships. However, the shimmering interaction between your ruler Mercury and also Mars and the dreamy Neptune, suggests messages you receive could be mixed.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Sun arrives in your zodiac sign as this week draws to a close, and this is definitely going to be a point of rejuvenation, but I do think it's possible that your energy could be on the low side early this week. All the demands and expectations that others have of you or just around your day-to-day duties and work, could at times seem a little overwhelming, but do hang in there.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your imagination can be really heightened, and perhaps also your expectations too, and particularly around your friendships. There could even be one person who is set to become a much more important player in your situation over the next month. But with your sensitivity high, it's also going to be important to know who really does have your best interests at heart, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your professional situation shows great potential, and especially if you're lucky enough to be in a role which enables you to use your imagination to its fullest extent. However, you could find yourself juggling professional needs more than personal ones, and someone close to you may not be quite as supportive as you'd like. Also, don't try too hard to please anyone important.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you enjoy film, poetry, the arts or creative pursuits, you can be in fine form this week, and anything you experience or encounter can have a very vivid impact upon your senses. This would be a fantastic week to travel, as long as all the arrangements are tied down well. However, it's possible that you could start to get somewhat restless around where you live or work.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Who does and contributes what in any kind of involvement, business or personal, can be under the astral microscope. The influences conspire to challenge your more logical take on life, perhaps part of this is because someone is resistant to saying exactly how they feel. As the sultry Venus enters the deepest part of your 'scope midweek, one alliance can go from strength to strength.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your relationship sector is really buzzing with activity this week. With Venus moving into this area and a New Moon, you can be especially hopeful about improving harmony and co-operation in all sorts of ties. But it's also going to be really important to understand exactly what you want, because if you're unsure, other people will pick up on this quickly. Clarity is essential.