This week is a celestial mix at its most fascinating with lots of contra energies competing for top spot in how they are going to blend and radiate down upon us. The Cancer New Moon asks us to think about our sense of security but with Uranus's input to keep an open mind. The switch of the Nodal Axis does though clash with Pluto and by Saturday they all meet. Whatever we do is likely to have immediate consequences. With Venus Retrograde from Sunday for 44 days, it will not be dull! For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign for WC 17th July 2023, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The week begins with a flourish, as you'll be keen to get started on household projects or initiate a clean sweep and a decluttering. You'll also be eager to get moving on a plan that can earn you extra cash, if you act fast. Career and work affairs face delays, and with Venus rewinding a new romance could seem to stall. Still, the upbeat Sun in Leo, will give you the energy to handle it all.{copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Keen to sign a deal or commit to something important? Do it early, as the longer you leave it the more chance there is of delay, or of it not happening at all. Plus, with Venus going into reverse for some weeks, this isn't the best time to beautify your home. Leave it until Venus turns direct in early September. Mind, the Sun in Leo can give you plenty of ideas to be going on with.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Handle any new financial initiatives on Monday this week rather than later. The New Moon can give your efforts a positive boost. It will also pay to listen to your intuition, as it can lead you to excellent opportunities to progress. And yet Venus will rewind from this week, so you may have to put certain projects on the backburner for six weeks due to unforeseen circumstances.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The New Moon in your sign gives you carte blanche to go for your biggest goals, and make changes you've been dreaming about for a while. And with an upbeat Mercury/Jupiter link on the cards, something you begin now could get off to a fabulous start. Go easy with money too, as Venus rewinds for around six weeks, which can reset your relationship with your finances.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Been thinking of taking up meditation or yoga? It's a great time to make a start, and you'll soon notice the stress relieving benefits. The Sun enters your sign too for a month, and this will enhance your energy and confidence. You'll be firing on all cylinders. Even so, Venus regresses too for forty-two days, so this isn't the best time for a makeover as it might not work out.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Key influences bring opportunities to make new friends and valuable connections. The New Moon in Cancer, encourages you to move in other circles and link up with those who have influence. And yet a face-off between Mars and Saturn could also highlight issues that can delay negotiations or agreements. As the Sun enters Leo, it's time to tie up loose ends and recharge.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Something you start early this week could quickly gain momentum, and may be the cornerstone of a new development related to your job or business. Once you make a decision, don't let anyone put you off. You know you can do it! Venus, your personal planet, will rewind from this weekend for six weeks, which may inspire you to drop associations that are a drain on you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Keen to invest in an opportunity? The New Moon encourages you to go for it, as you'll gain more than you thought. Once you've decided, stick with it and don't doubt yourself. The Sun glides into Leo and a high-flying zone, which makes this the ideal time to promote your abilities. Even so, with delectable Venus reversing until early September, avoid a change of image for now.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Make use of the New Moon to kickstart a new phase, and to let go of anything that is no longer useful. Cutting out all the dead wood means new energy and opportunities will come your way. You'll be all fired up as the Sun enters your sector of travel, but with Venus doing her backward dance from this week, you may be rethinking your future options. What do you really want?
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Ready to take a relationship to the next level? A potent lunar phase in Cancer, could find you eager to make a commitment. Whether this is romance or business orientated, something exciting might emerge. A focus on a powerful zone can be helpful for getting your finances in order. Plus, Venus's retro phase brings a chance to get your money and business working harder for you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Ready for a new beginning? The Cancer New Moon encourages you to streamline your affairs and introduce habits that will help you accomplish your goals. You might also be keen to collaborate with someone on a project that could benefit both of you. Relationships get a boost as the Sun enters Leo, but with Venus rewinding you'll look at certain bonds with fresh eyes.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Under the influence of this week's New Moon, a romance could become more intimate, or you might take up an interest that turns out to be very good for you. Go easy though, as an awkward aspect may make it hard to see eye-to-eye with another. You'll need patience this week. And with Venus rewinding in Leo, an issue with a co-worker can come to a head to be resolved.