Venus and Jupiter dominate the heavens this week and this can create a lighter vibe after last weeks powerfon Partial Solar Eclipse. Someone beguiling can enter our orbit, but are they truly real? Well, for some lucky people yes they can be, but don't be too quick to put anyone on the proverbial pedlestal. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 16th July 2018 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With last week's Eclipse still potent, it's possible that differing needs within the family unit are taking some time and care to resolve. Then again, your own ambitions need to be balanced against what is truly doable, in terms of resources. Fortunately, Venus and Jupiter make a great link in the week's second half, and a stroke of serendipity is possible. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Your ruler Venus makes one of the loveliest of links to Jupiter, the planet of expansion in your Solar Horoscope. If you go out on a date in the second half of this week, it could turn out to be really enjoyable, whether it's with a group or one special person. Your links with others are particularly important and can also prove to be potentially fortunate. On life's practicalities, try not to pack in too much.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
This week's Quarter Moon urges you to manage your resources carefully, and to resist any pressure from a loved one to help them out financially. A de-clutter at home could prove to be providential, selling items you no longer use or need, creating more space, and also generating some extra income in the process. A spare room can also be used in the new, positive way.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Someone immediately around you might seem a little dispirited this week, but with Venus and Jupiter combining absolutely splendidly, if anyone can lift their spirits it's going to be you. Your skills as an astute listener can certainly be part of this. You may also generate some good ideas of a more practical nature. Somewhere rather exotic can also appeal as a holiday destination.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Being with the people who truly matter to you, doesn't necessarily see you in the space to stage a large scale gathering. However, something more intimate can prove perfect, and if it is you who plays host, you'll be very happy to make sure that everyone's needs are met. Do keep more confidential information closer to your chest, especially with those you don't know well.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your friendships and social interactions are very much to the fore, but this could also be an area where you're going through some changes, and even someone who you may have been allied to for quite some while, may have different tastes or approaches that are becoming more obvious to you. However, new and more positive associations can develop.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Quarter Moon in your sign this week Libra, is in a sharp right angle with the Sun in Cancer. Although your ambitions have featured brightly recently, and can continue to do so for the last half of the year, this needs to be balanced against what feels right for you at a more individual, personal level. Pleasingly, someone can make discreet contact with you this week, unexpectedly.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
One friend may hold a fascination for you that is not entirely obvious. Or perhaps it's you who's been holding a proverbial candle for someone. Well, either way, this week could see a more open expression of feelings, and in the most memorable of ways. However, there may be another issue, which is best dealt with by turning the other cheek. Don't add oxygen to the fire.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This week's Lunation occurs in the friendliest part of your 'scope, but does angle towards the Sun in a much more intense area. It's possible you can become more attuned to any politics swirling around group associations or a circle of friends. However, the people or person you can rely upon the most, can also be greatly supportive towards you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you are fortunate enough to be heading away on a trip or excursion, the last part of this week can be the perfect time to do so. A very upbeat, even jolly, connection between Venus and Jupiter could see you make some key social contacts and have a great time. However, at work, someone senior can seem more serious than usual, or perhaps a parent.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your worldly sector is ignited by the sparkling influence of Jupiter. Along with Venus, this could bring you a genuine opportunity for a breakthrough around your career or business hopes, where your personality power and creativity can earn you plaudits. Mind, it will still be important to target your energies in a very focused way, for best results.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With your two co-rulers continuing to forge the most uplifting of influences, as well as Venus connecting with them both, there may be moments this week when you find yourself tempted to trip the light fantastic, and especially when it comes to your imagination or any spiritual interest. One person can also take on a very alluring dimension Pisces.