Weekly Horoscopes 16th January 2023

Mercury and Uranus go direct but stressful energies are still to the fore, so words and the expression of ideas will still need care. The transforming Pluto aligns with the Sun all week and then the Aquarius New Moon – an exciting development. Further, as the week draws to a close one close tie or friendship can reach make or break as Venus aligns with Saturn. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 16th January for each sign, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the solar emphasis shifts to Aquarius, a sense of relief may be felt as there's less of a focus on goals, ambitions and authority figures. The cosmos is encouraging you to relax and enjoy your social life while hanging out with friends. Keen to explore new terrain? The New Moon and its link to Jupiter, encourages you to embrace fresh experiences. The more interesting, the better! {copytag:[827]:copytag} 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Get ready to shine! With the radiant Sun moving into a prominent sector for around four weeks, this is the time to let others know how talented and amazing you are. Plus, with lively Mercury and electric Uranus turning direct, any glitches you've experienced will soon melt away. Now it's all systems go! The New Moon suggest opportunities abound if you make way for them.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

After the demanding focus of recent weeks, your attention may be taken up with a desire for new adventures. You'll be ready for a breath of fresh air and a chance to escape those situations that have been taxing and emotional. This week brings the chance of an empowering new beginning, if you're ready to take the plunge. Mercury your ruler forges ahead too, so no more delays.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You'll get a chance to resolve a key issue early this week. The Sun's link with Pluto encourages a change of heart, which could bring about a transformation in someone close. And as Mercury presses ahead, any misunderstandings can heal too. As the Sun glides into Aquarius, you'll be acutely aware of other changes you may make. A fresh start is on the cards for you, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You can breathe a sigh of relief, as the planet of talk and thought turns direct, enabling you to get on with life rather than fighting a mounting tide of chaos. You'll need to knuckle down to get something urgent out of the way too. Even so, once the Sun changes signs you'll feel more at ease. Relationships become a higher priority, and support and companionship will be yours.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As Mercury emerges from its rewind phase, there'll be less chance of crossed wires. And with the Sun newly in your lifestyle sector this week, it's a good time to revamp your routines so they support your wellbeing. Letting go of what is no longer working will make a positive difference. The New Moon is the ideal time to initiate habits that can increase productivity and wellbeing.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you've been dutifully attending to your responsibilities, you'll welcome the more leisurely and creative phase that is coming up. The Sun's move into Aquarius for four weeks, can find you motivated to hone your art or craft skills, showcase your work and to involve yourself in activities you enjoy. A powerful New Moon may signal the start of a significant friendship, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Busy with demanding mental tasks? The entrance of the Sun into a private zone, encourages you to make time for rest and relaxation. Take a step back and you might also get a fresh perspective on key areas of your life. The New Moon suggests it's time for a clean sweep and for overdue changes. Things will be easier with Mercury turning direct, and you can make progress at last.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With the Sun entering your communication sector, this is one of the better times for linking up with those on your wavelength. Need advice? Cutting edge ideas can emerge, with the potential for a clever solution. Your social life may be busier too, with enjoyable encounters on the cards.As Mercury and Uranus turn direct, any glitches and mishaps could soon melt away, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The coming four weeks can be a chance to take stock of your financial situation, and initiate new money management habits. There are also opportunities for splurging and for impulsive buys, as the New Moon angles towards Jupiter. If an outing, experience or purchase calls out to you, give it some thought first. Mind, with Mercury pushing ahead, any delays will soon ease, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

After what can seem like a very intense time, the Sun's move into your sign may be the start of a new phase. If you've felt drained by recent events, then energy and confidence could gradually return. The New Moon in your sign means you'll be proactive. You're ready to experiment with fresh options that might resolve lingering matters and make life much easier for you, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Are there tensions in your social circle? If so, these may ease over coming weeks. For now, you might benefit from taking time to yourself. As a quieter phase gets underway, you'll have an opportunity to tie up any loose ends and get in touch with your own needs. Have a heartfelt desire? Be bold Pisces, and admit to it. The New Moon inspires you to take action now.