Weekly Horoscope 14th June 2021

The two rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus come into exact conflict. Push/pull, change/resist any are possible. Energy can also be lower or less joined up in how we use it, Jupiter also goes Retrograde on Sunday. The Quarter Moon in Virgo pushes us to be virtuous which is good, but not the best of weeks to take on too much. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 14th June 2021 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Have a difficult issue to deal with? An edgy angle between sobering Saturn and maverick Uranus, can spur you into action. You'll know what needs to be done to start the process, and from here things could snowball. As jovial Jupiter moves back into Aquarius for some months, networking may bring some wonderful opportunities, and someone might make an offer you can't refuse. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A clash of opinion could get this week off to an awkward start Taurus, and it may be because you are reluctant to give in to authority. A compromise might make life easier, and is certainly better than this stalemate. Mind, with a Quarter Moon encouraging you to invest in a new hobby, the benefits and enjoyment you gain will be worth it. Eager to succeed? One bold move can do it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Having a crisis of belief? It may be time to off-load those old ways that aren't working, and adopt a new way of looking at the world. If you've been feeling cramped and trapped and unable to move forward for some time now, you'll be eager to escape and fly free once again. A book might enlighten you, as can a teacher or coach. Make the move, and life could open up for you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a Quarter Moon on the cards, you may get concrete evidence that listening to and following through on an intuitive nudge, was the wise thing to do. What started out on an uncertain note, now looks very promising. When it comes to financial matters, you'll need to think out of the box. If a money matter has taken an age to sort out, a flash of inspiration could work wonders.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Feeling frustrated by someone's attitude? It could all come to a head over coming days, when something may need to be done. It's likely that this person isn't going to just disappear, so you'll need to manage the relationship as best you can. Philosophical Jupiter's move back into Aquarius, suggests that with an open-minded attitude you'll be more inclined to let it all go.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Has something become a drudgery? You may feel like you cannot handle another day of it, Virgo. This week brings the knowledge that for you to be happy, things really need to change. It's time to seek out alternatives and solutions, and there is a good chance you'll find something that suits. With a positive influence adding sparkle to your lifestyle zone, things look promising.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This week's Quarter Moon brings an opportunity to get in touch with your feelings about a plan or pending decision. Is it what you want, or are you having reservations? The answer could show up in a dream, or you may sense intuitively what to do. Want to invest in your creative talents? An offer that comes out of the blue might be just the breakthrough you've been looking for, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You and someone close may find it hard to come to an agreement. This is nothing new though, as it can be a continuation of an issue that occurred earlier in the year. This time around, you might be ready to rethink your strategy and try to meet them halfway. This is to your benefit Scorpio, as having this hanging over you prevents you from moving forward, and doing what you need to do.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Need to promote yourself and your skills? This week's lunar phase in a high-flying zone, encourages you to get others on board. Ring your own bell, but if others can also put in a good word for you, something very promising could come your way. And with jubilant Jupiter moving back into Aquarius, someone's amazing offer may leave you over the moon, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Prudent Saturn angles towards electric Uranus for a second time this year. And this can highlight an issue around wanting to save money, but wanting to invest in a project or entrepreneurial idea that may have some risk attached to it. As Jupiter re-enters your money zone, it might inspire you to see the bigger picture. Plus, taking your idea step-by-step could help build your confidence.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The search for your roots or a place to put new ones may reach a new phase, as Saturn in your sign links awkwardly with Uranus your guide planet. You might be researching your family tree or checking out your DNA, and the outcome could give much food for thought. If you are relocating, Jupiter's entrance back into your sign can herald a sense of coming home at last.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A change of attitude could put you on track for new developments and bright opportunities. If you feel that one situation is never going to end, then take heart. This week, a powerful combination of planets hints that a shift may occur that propels you out of the old and into the new. Letting go of an emotional issue and finding closure, can be the key that opens the door.