The Sun and Mercury in Gemini, the sign of quick exchanges, are compromised by the stern influence of Saturn, and the dreamy vibe of Neptune. Communications will therefore require great care. Why? Well, our subconcious or fears can feed into our conversations and relationships with others. Also, some hidden opposition can manifest itself, when we least expect it, and in not in necessarily obvious ways. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign for WC 12th June 2023, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Communication and creativity go hand in hand. Ideas and conversation also flow, and opportunities are everywhere. If you're worried that a brilliant idea is bound to fail, don't let your doubts get the better of you. Plus, the Gemini New Moon this weekend is a great time to initiate a key project, especially if it's linked to the e-commerce, social media or networking.{copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With Mercury in your money zone, you'll be awake and alert when it comes to finding bargains and exploring financial opportunities. It also helps that you have positive Jupiter in your sign, encouraging you to think big and to nurture your most fruitful ideas. Saturn enters its rewind phase, so you may find a friend's advice to be counterproductive. Don't let anyone deter you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With Mercury and the Sun in your sign, you're already firing on all cylinders. Plus, the New Moon over the weekend brings an excellent chance for a new beginning. Yet with prudent Saturn slowing and rewinding in a high-flying zone, be ready to take another look at a project or key idea if things aren't going to plan. Want a fresh start? This is the week to step out on faith.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You're moving through a quiet phase, making this a good time to reflect on your current circumstances and any changes you want to make. Mercury's angle with Saturn, suggests your beliefs may be holding you back. You have so much potential, don't waste it! The New Moon can give you an inkling of where your talents are underused and encourage you to tap into them.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As Venus and Mars continue in your sign, you'll get everything you need to further your plans. Keen to spice up a relationship? This is your chance to go ahead. With a New Moon in your social zone this weekend, it's time to forge new connections with others on your wavelength. Mind, with Saturn reversing, the coming months are also great for releasing emotional baggage.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With the Sun and Mercury encouraging you to be more ambitious, this week can find you curious to take advantage of an opportunity that is fresh and exciting. Don't let someone talk you out of it either. If it feels right, then step forward. The New Moon in Gemini is helpful for kickstarting new initiatives, especially those related to your goals and career trajectory, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Lively influences are spicing up your social life, and encouraging you to connect with others on your wavelength. There are many opportunities to step out of your comfort zone, but with Saturn rewinding from this week, you could feel bogged down in tasks that aren't moving your life forward. Use the New Moon to set an exciting goal, and make a start on it no matter what, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With Venus and Mars in the top spot, you'll be a big draw and others may find you hard to resist. This means you're at a prime time for promoting yourself and marketing your goods and services. You'll also benefit from letting go of blocks to happiness. The New Moon is great for setting powerful intentions to succeed Scorpio, and releasing what no longer serves you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Mercury in Gemini makes you very relatable, and people will find that chatting to you puts them at ease. If you've had an issue you can't seem to shift, a conversation with a friend could really help. This week's New Moon in Gemini can assist in taking your relationship to the next level, connecting with a business partner or collaborator, or joining a team of like-minded people.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The emphasis on your lifestyle sector means it's time to tweak your routines so that they are in alignment with your brightest goals and intentions. What could possibly stop you? With Saturn your guide planet rewinding from this week, you'll realize the importance of cultivating a helpful mindset. The more your thoughts align with the outcomes you want the better, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Lively influences can positively influence love and romance, socializing and leisure activities. Mercury in Gemini can find you curious about learning a hobby, perfecting a creative skill and enjoying cultural activities. Ready to take a romance to the next level? The weekend New Moon in Gemini could act as a catalyst. And if you're ready to promote your creative work, do it now.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Since prudent Saturn has been in your sign, you've likely taken on more responsibility. This week it rewinds, which could cause you to reflect on your workload and to reduce it. You'll have a chance to reset your priorities and give yourself the opportunity to unwind. Eager to start a home-based project? The New Moon this weekend is great for getting it up and running, Pisces.