The expansive energies of Jupiter square up to both the Sun and Mercury in Pisces this week. To deal with this it really is a case of under-promising and over-delivering. Ironically, both the Sun and Mercury forge fine links to Pluto, so evolution as much as revolution is possible, as long as we can accept that change is a neccessary part of the process. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 11th March 2019 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may find yourself attending to ideas and plans that are not quite hanging together. At the same time, another project may be showing promise and moving forwards at quite a pace. Something that seemed truly inspired may now appear impractical and unrealistic, and if so, welcome this feedback and instead put your attention on what is working well for you. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The days ahead can see you circling around an idea or opportunity you may have jettisoned some months back, with a view to see if it's worth picking up again. Your interest could be piqued, and this week's Quarter Moon can be a call to look at factors, such as any costs and expenses in a realistic way. Continued work on an existing plan can yield well-deserved progress.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The week ahead may find you in the spotlight, which is why it is wise to check information before you share it. You may have a brilliant idea that you are excited to discuss, but if you can't back it up with the facts, then others may not be impressed. Plus, a grounded aspect between Mars and sobering Saturn, can see you tapping into a well of hidden treasures and thriving.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A partnership may seem to hold great promise. But given that communicator Mercury is in its rewind phase and making some leading aspects, it may be wise not to commit to any plans too quickly. This includes a trip or other opportunity, and the reason may become clear over coming days. A group effort that is already blossoming can lead to significant developments though.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Intense emotions can dominate around midweek, and may push you to make a big decision Leo. A potent lunar phase hints that you may be seeing the bigger picture and glossing over important details though. Input and advice from someone with experience may help you make the right choices. There is no shame in lowering expectations, and it may mean you get better results.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
While you may have strong feelings about something or someone, new information may alter your perspective, and this can make a difference. Dreaming about what might be is often a pleasant distraction, but one that is not helpful now, as things could be about to change. Bide your time Virgo and go with the flow on this, as there may be another more suitable option.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may know what needs to change, especially regarding a family situation, but taking action can be another matter. This week you could start out with the best of intentions, but find that as the days go by, things become more convoluted and muddled. Even so, a practical Mars Saturn link can prevent you making an unwise move, even if things seem to unravel around you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may have such positive intentions this week, and feel that with the help of others you can really get somewhere. While this is true in theory, you likely haven't accounted for hitches and delays which can show up around the end of the week, Scorpio. You might even need to start from scratch, as some of the things you were hoping to accomplish may not be possible just yet.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With electric Uranus now moving through your lifestyle sector for the long-term, the way you navigate through your daily life can go through a change. This might not happen immediately, but over coming months, you could be looking for more freedom, preferring not to be too tied down. This week though Archer, can coincide with a healing heart-to heart discussion at home.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
This week's Quarter Moon suggests that a great idea could set you thinking, and perhaps see you embracing new possibilities. But before you get too excited, it might be helpful to look at this further in case it is not feasible. On another note, a creative project or relationship that is already underway and making great progress, can reach an important milestone over the days ahead.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may rediscover a gift or talent that has been on ice for some while, which could increase your income, even if only in a small way. As lively Mercury continues to rewind in your financial zone, take baby steps with this and see where it leads, as you may feel sufficiently confident in a few weeks to take things further. You might also be ready to make a stand on an important issue.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Working alongside others as part of a team can see you making much progress this week, and you can rightly feel proud of your accomplishments. It may be another matter if you attempt to go solo though, as unforeseen delays could hold things up. Be patient with yourself and with the pace of events, as you may learn more at this time from what goes wrong than what goes right.