The week begins with Saturn ending its long retrograde. Any area of our situation which has felt particularly stuck, can now start to ease, but any politics around a relationship, especially at work can be a test. With Mars ambushed by the potentially distorting influence of Neptune, tease out the facts of situations. Still, Venus and Saturn link brilliantly to provide reassurance on one special tie. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 11th October 2021 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The week starts with a decision about whether to make something public. If you have a bold plan, then letting others know about it can encourage those interested to jump on board. When you step up to the plate things come together, especially around Friday, when the Sun aligns with Jupiter. The weekend may need careful handling, as someone could be a tad jealous of you, Aries. {copytag:[599]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Happy with the way things are going? If so, this is the week to commit, and take your plans further. If you're all fired up about an idea, the days ahead can see you pulling out the stops to get matters underway. And you'll have more chance of making a bigger splash, and of others noticing how brilliant you are. Attracted to someone? It may be because you are opposites.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Ready to forge ahead with a plan or relationship? It could be decision time, as a Quarter Moon in an intense zone, can push you to decide whether to or not. With intense energies on the go, you might find yourself in a quandary. Whatever doubts or hopes you may have, trust your intuition, as it could be so revealing. There's a creative quality too, that can provide startling solutions.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Need to get someone to back you up regarding family plans? Will they though? You may spend time over coming days explaining things, revealing facts and encouraging positive feedback concerning what might be. Still, if you sense that they aren't really into this, you could have your work cut out to persuade them otherwise. Luck can be on your side Cancer, so don't give up.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Busy sorting out paperwork, resolving issues or trying to get something organized? With Mercury slowing prior to turning direct, matters could take longer than expected. Perhaps you needed things done by yesterday. If so, they might drag out. Yet timing may be everything. If it takes longer for things to come together as planned, it could be to your advantage, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you're juggling resources so you can buy or invest in something, this week's star map could lead you on a merry dance. You may be undecided, but changing your mind from one moment to the next won't get you anywhere. Yet the days ahead hold great promise if you avoid sabotaging your best interests. The golden prize might be yours, if you trust your intuition.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Even if you're not sure what you should do, just pretend you have everything under control. Strangely enough, if you make a show of seeming confident, you'll begin to feel that way. There is no wrong choice, as matters are in a state of flux, Libra. Do what feels right to you, and just go with it. Soon enough, you'll realize that the best way ahead is the easiest and most obvious.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Things look to be falling into place, but if you're not expecting them to, then you could derail the process. If you feel that nothing will happen unless you control every aspect of a project or plan, then be prepared to be amazed. With a spiritual focus, getting out of your own way might help you to make progress more than anything. Let go and let it flow, and you'll get a great result.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
A good social life can pave the way for opportunities, collaborations and team projects. How involved do you want to be? If you say yes too often, you could end up with more to do than intended and a feeling of overwhelm. But something might be very worthwhile, and mean more than you ever imagined. You just need to channel your energy in the right direction, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The early Quarter Moon can inspire you to put your career and reputation first, by accepting an opportunity that might not repeat itself. Don't hesitate Capricorn, as even if there are delays, it's worthwhile taking this up. The Sun's alignment with Jupiter could be a call to think big and go for it. Feel you should connect with someone? Don't hesitate, as they may be the answer to a prayer.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Sun's alignment with Jupiter in your sign, can give you hope that you'll get what you want this week. Despite things looking so very promising, you may not feel quite so sure. Past experience could tell you that it's best not to get too excited about matters. While an idea might not follow a straight course, even with any ups and downs, it can still work out very well.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Quarter Moon in Capricorn, coincides with an opportunity that can find you involved with kindred spirits in the hope of accomplishing something special. If you feel this is for you, then dive in and sign up. Even if you are new to this and have no experience, current influences suggest that you may have a natural talent that could surprise you, if you put it to good use.