Weekly Horoscopes 10th October 2022

The energy from last Sunday's Full Moon in Aries cascades into this new week. And finding the sweet spot between what do for ourselves with others and for ourselves remain key. With Mercury back in Libra from Monday, discussions can become more constructive, particularly if the potential for misinformation and gossip from Mars exact square with Neptune, midweek, can be overcome. In fact, Mercury is in a bright opposition to Jupiter, which can be hopeful, if we stay realistic. For your Weekly Horoscope Forecasts for WC 10th October 2022 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

People may surprise you this week, in a good way. With the emphasis on co-operation, communication and teamwork, you can accomplish a lot if you're willing to join in rather than take the lead. Go easy around midweek, as a sapping Mars/Neptune angle could cause energy to dip. Simplify matters, as taking on too much might mean you're prone to making mistakes.  {copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

On a mission to get organised? The more prepared you are, the easier it is to accomplish your goals. What are your priorities? Work your routines around this, and you won't go far wrong. Financial matters need special attention around midweek, as a confusing influence can see you making a wrong move. Read the small print before signing or buying to avoid embarrassment.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Inquisitive Mercury your guide planet moves into Libra and joins sizzling Venus, which puts the emphasis on leisure and exploring your creative and entrepreneurial side. Conversations this week can bring offers of support from people who would be an asset to your plans. Even so, don't lose heart. A Mars/Neptune angle could mean you give up when you're just getting going.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You'll make positive strides with domestic plans, especially those that need extra funding. Additional cash will help things get off to a good start. It's also time to unwind by doing more cooking or decorating, or taking time out for self-care and pampering. Try not to bite off more than you can chew, Cancer. Energy levels may dip, and you'll regret taking on too much.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

This is a great week for teamwork, and for ideas and solutions that could boost business plans and career success. Attending social events and networking can be key to uncovering golden opportunities. And you'll be in the right place at the right time to take advantage of something worthwhile. Yet someone may let you down, even if they don't mean to, so be prepared.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you're ready to put the work in, you could be offered an opportunity that can give you more security. And your income might increase as a result. It may not be too glamorous, but could be perfect for you right now. Be careful when it comes to taking advice though. You may trust someone, but on this occasion what they tell you can be wrong. Listen to your instincts, Virgo!

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You're in a peak time, when your efforts and your personality combine to bring you the success you deserve. This is your chance to dazzle others with your skills and knowledge. This week, you can make strong advances in the direction of your dreams. Firm up your boundaries to avoid being put upon by others. You may find it hard to say no, and your plans could suffer as a result.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Has life slowed down? You may be treading water, but there's a lot going on behind the scenes. The emphasis on your spiritual zone, makes this a good time to reflect on your current situation, while also tying up loose ends and letting go of whatever isn't working. You could be putting money into something that isn't working. It helps to be realistic and to admit to this, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You'll thrive when around others on your wavelength. And you'll accomplish far more together than you can alone. But there are times when it's best to simplify matters, rather than take on too much. As Mars angles towards Neptune, you might feel like doing nothing. You'll feel better for resting. There's an opportunity waiting for you to pluck, and if you're alert, you may get it.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your time in the spotlight continues Capricorn, with the week ahead hinting at solid gains. If you're prepared to think out of the box, you'll surprise everyone, including yourself. If you need to negotiate or hold key discussions, it pays to ask a few in-depth questions. With Neptune on the field, not everything is as it seems. And unless you're careful, you could lose rather than gain.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You're ready to explore, travel and enjoy life. And with the emphasis on the sign of Libra, you'll want others along for the ride. This week has romantic overtones, and a love relationship can be rekindled while on vacation. New friendships and dates are on the cards too. Be careful with your money and don't take any unnecessary chances, as you may end up disappointed, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You're in full-on detective mode. You may be drawn to mysteries and to mysterious people, and your ability to peel away the layers and get to the heart of the matter, could be rewarding. This is a good time to focus on finances and business affairs, as by trusting your intuition you'll make solid gains. With Neptune spreading dreamy vibes around, watch out misunderstandings, Pisces.