Monthly Horoscopes November 2023

There is some potential magic but also helter-skelter energies at the start of November, but the potency of the Scorpio New Moon of the 13th, is especially intense as Mars, the traditional ruler of this deep sign, plays a crucial role. A sense of perspective will be helpful later in month, as first Mercury, then the Sun and Mars all square up with Saturn. Hoped for expansions may get bogged down, as can travel hopes. For your in-depth Monthly Horoscope Forecast for each sign for November 2023, please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for November 2023

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Week one sees the Sun in a powerful link to the planet of expansion Jupiter, and despite his Retrograde, Saturn going direct on the 4th, some inner tensions can fade away to be replaced by a desire to indulge some of life's rich pleasures. Travel hopes can spark from the 9th, or you may find yourself discussing an important contract. Do check the small print. The New Moon of the 13th embraces your ruler Mars, and can enhance desires or see you driven. Changes which have unfolded in recent years speed up in week three, but the last ten days generally, is a more open and adventurous phase. Words need care however, on the Full Moon of the 27th.{copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your ruler Venus opposes the shimmering energies of Neptune in week one. You could encounter someone that you find uniquely fascinating and somewhat mystical, or will it be an illusion? Either is possible, but your relationship prospects are boosted from mid-month, or you may find yourself being much more assertive in the following month. Friendships and group interactions need some attention towards the month's end, however. Also, long term financial decisions need careful appraisal before you take firm action. Your ability to delve beneath the surface is heightened, which gives you an extra asset to work with.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Full Moon in your sign occurs towards the end of November, and could see something of a challenge around a key relationship. However, this is one that you can overcome, the key is to understand why this may occur. Strict Saturn has been in your sector of responsibilities since early March, and more recently adding extra provocation. Essentially, a desire to manifest your talents in a free and creative way needs to be shaped with a degree of structure. So, if you're a natural bohemian this may have been onerous. If you're happy to exist within a framework it will be less of an issue. But whichever of these calls out to you, this month may demand more application.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The month begins in a really upbeat way, with the Sun in your fifth House of personal expression, fun, social interaction and talents, being urged on by the expansive Jupiter. There's also a lively, sparkling link between Mercury and Uranus, suggesting things can happen quickly but there can be changes of plan. You could be mindful of duties in week two, but it's the New Moon of the 13th which really catapults your hopes forwards, binding as it does to the planet of drive, Mars. You can find yourself keen to live in the moment and enjoy life. The last ten days of the month however, could see you needing to clear up loose ends and attend to more workaday strands.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you're looking to make changes to your abode, your imagination can be really inspired as November begins. You may also find yourself tempted to splurge a little more than planned, perhaps also on Christmas gifts. Still, you might figure that some spoiling is in order, and if so, why not? Yet if you're looking at properties to rent or buy, you may want to push just that little bit harder to get exactly what you want. Someone close however, who could have found it hard to hear how you feel, will be left in no uncertain terms that you're laying down some firmer boundaries from the time of the New Moon of the 13th. But things do become more outward going and sociable as November goes on, and you can strut your stuff and feel good in week three.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Venus in your sign forges a mesmeric opposition with Neptune early this month. And with Mercury and Uranus also sparking, you may find yourself enjoying a flirty conversation or feeling really inspired about a creative talent. Travel plans or journeying itself could also appeal in the first week, Virgo. Your enthusiasm is boosted furthermore from mid-month, but despite all this verve, some more home based or family strands can call out to you later in November. Some home decoration, perhaps readying your abode for Christmas, might also feature.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you're interested in personal development or more spiritual strands, as your ruler Venus aligns with the dreamy, drifting vibe of Neptune in week one, you may experience something very special as this month begins. Equally, someone you find captivating could prove to be hard to fathom or pin down. Still, more earthly considerations are also to the fore this month, and that part of you which loves a slice of luxury might see you find it hard to resist a lovely item. But equally, if finances have been tighter, you can power forwards more assertively from mid-month. Later in November the pace picks up, but try not to spread yourself too thinly, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

One of the primary events to look forward to each year, is your zodiac sign's New Moon. And this November on the 13th, your traditional ruler Mars, absolutely supercharges this event. Rarely will you have this much latent raw power at your disposal, so be determined to slice through and push forwards with any new beginnings, or where you're wanting to inject more oomph into ongoing strands. You may start to see the tangible results sooner than you imagine. But with the Full Moon of the 27th, there may be one or two costs, or you might need to remind someone close to be more careful with resources.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you're creative or artistic Archer, you can find yourself inspired as November begins, a time when your imagination is truly enriched. But equally, if you work in an environment or business where you have to fit into some kind of set structure, you may find your attention span is low and wonder if it might be time to seek pastures new. In fact, in any situation where boredom or lack of engagement is an issue, once the Sun and Mars burst into your sign on the 22nd or 24th, you can be minded to start afresh. And if you do, or you're fully invested, your energy will pick up and see you end the month very determinedly.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You have a formidable reputation, rightly, as someone who beavers away, moving resolutely towards your targets. But this month has two distinct halves. The first is urging you to be more spontaneous and to give yourself permission to break out and have fun. Meeting up with friends can be like a breath of fresh air and spark you in other ways too. There may be one person that you could collaborate with on a shared hobby or interest, and you can be quite the team. Yet ironically, in the last phase of the month, you may find some old sensitive issues come up, which might see you want to spend more time in quiet contemplation.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There's a part of many Aquarius people, which suggests that success, in the traditional meaning of status, earnings or property, is something that requires far too much compliance to other people's expectations and rules. But this is a month when you could find yourself actually surprising yourself by just how driven you can be to grasp these very strands. And, do you know, people CAN become more aware of your merits. But if a breakthrough comes, the last ten days of November can see you enjoy it with the people who matter most. Who says you can't have it all!

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

There's a part of your core nature that some people will always fail to completely comprehend, but do you know Pisces, that otherworldly ethereal streak is what gives you your illusive mystique, and you'll have this in bucket loads as this month begins. This may mean you'll attract the attentions of an admirer, but whether you welcome this or not, take pleasure from your innate power. Your words can also dazzle early on, but as November unfolds, a deep restlessness could take hold, and whether it's in your everyday life or work, you might find yourself craving a spark of change.