Mercury has darted into the sign of Sagittarius, where it is in detriment.
• How much should we be influenced by the Essential Dignities when they are not so good, and can there still be opportunities?
• Please join me as I explore this, and also the Event Charts from a Natal and Solar perspective.
• The Natal Chart sees Mercury in the 6th House, reflecting the vibe of Virgo, and one of the weaknesses of Mercury in the sign of the Archer can be a lack of precision around details, and an inclination to be loose with what is said or agreed to. So that could be helpful.
• Mercury will be in Sagittarius for an extended period until 8th January next year, but does start a Pre Retrograde Shadow on the 7th November, but then begins a series of punishing right angles to Saturn, three in total, as well as ironically, going face to face with Jupiter itself in Retrograde and the Ruler of Sagittarius, three times.
• The Retrograde itself begins 26th November, and goes on to mid December.
The Post Retrograde ends 3rd January.
• There is going to be lot of things revealed through to January, and also there is going to be some karma involved in this, because of the role of Saturn in Pisces.
• Expect, whatever the outcome of the Presidential Election to be an incredible amount of discussion, dispute, distortion and perhaps lack of full acceptance by some, that will go on to the year’s end.
• Why do I believe this? Let’s think of where Mercury was at the start of 2023. In Sagittarius, but in Retrograde but squaring Neptune, so the potential for all that swirling mist of confusion has been played out all year.
• Still, Mercury starts this journey in fine links to both Mars and Pluto, if just slightly in disassociation.