Horoscopes Wednesday 9th September 2020

As assertive Mars turns retrograde in the sign of Aries until November 13 we may find that energy levels fluctuate.

We might also lose our motivation regarding plans, meaning it could be time for a review and some key adjustments. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 9th September 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 9th September 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As Mars enters its rewind phase in your sign until mid-November, it might be more difficult to take the initiative or to follow through on your goals. Don't be afraid to pause and perhaps step back if your heart isn't in something, as you could struggle to follow through anyway. While you may prefer to race ahead, this isn't going to happen now. Slow and steady is the way Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As fiery Mars reverses, the coming weeks present a golden opportunity to face whatever seems to have niggled or upset you. It may be a situation, someone who you have an issue with, or an event from the past. Whether you need a stronger set of boundaries, want to gently work through your fears or see the truth about something, do your best. Need some help? Seek it out Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The coming weeks might bring dissatisfaction with a group situation or with aspects of your social life. Does it seem that despite your lively personality, no-one understands you? Being more accepting of yourself and others could smooth the way ahead. Your horoscope suggests you can display your unique qualities and be a valuable member of a team Gemini, and especially if they are kindred spirits.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You could find it difficult to be decisive at times, as lively Mars in your sector of goals regresses from today. What seemed like a great plan may appear to have its flaws, and because of this, the idea of putting it off for now can have its merits. Even if you do make a start, it is possible that vital changes might need to be made. A little in-depth research or a rethink could be helpful.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may want to believe an acquaintance when they tell you something of interest, and yet your sixth sense might tell you not to. The Sun's tie with ethereal Neptune, could be a call not to take them at face value, but to look more deeply into their motives. If you can catch a glimpse of what makes this person tick, then you will know how far you can trust them and what to do next.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The coming weeks can find you reflecting on the deeper issues of life such as finances, intimacy, business affairs and change. You may become very aware of anything that no longer serves and that is holding you back, and this can be a call to let it go. While this might not always be easy, doing so could bring fresh springs of energy into the equation and find you so much livelier.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Relationships can go through a learning curve over coming weeks, as red-hot Mars enters its retro phase. A key bond may begin to operate under different rules to what you are used to, and this might change your connection for better or for worse. If you have held back from saying what you really think, this could be a time when being a little vulnerable works to your benefit.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As vital Mars turns retrograde from today in your lifestyle zone until mid-November, be aware that energy levels can dip from time to time. Because of this, you may want to look at your day-to-day life with a view to making improvements. This might include resetting everyday routines if you have gone off track lately. Experiment with new ideas, and see what works best Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The things that you normally enjoy may lose their sparkle, your children could question you more than usual, and you might lose your adventurous edge, or so it seems. With pushy Mars turning retrograde until mid-November, the coming weeks can be a process of discovery. Could it be time to connect with your inner child, and let your spontaneous side out to play Sagittarius?

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It can seem that the best way to get a household project completed is not to micro-manage it. With Mars doing a backward dance in your home zone from today until mid-November, you might make better progress if you are more flexible. The right materials and assistance may show up haphazardly, but by going with the flow you can move at a gentle, and more purposeful pace.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Feel you are duty-bound to hold your tongue regarding an issue? As spicy Mars rewinds, you may realise how much it is costing you in terms of your inner peace and sense of justice. Talking this over with those involved might be contentious and awkward, but can clear the air. You may also find that decluttering the office space and clearing paper piles brings a real sense of relief.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With philosophical Jupiter as your co-ruler, you love to see patterns in life and to look for the bigger picture. Indeed, the coming days can bring the realization that what seemed like a random event, is part of an ongoing process. With a coming influence illuminating certain critical details, the key to understanding a larger issue could be yours, and may result in a positive solution.

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