The Moon moves into the freer energies of Sagittarius today, yet we need to be mindful by the day's end, she is going to square with the rather dreamy energies of Neptune.
This is a soggy combination, and with both in "mutable" or moveable signs, things could get a bit blurry by the days end. With Mercury also beginning to impact with it's retrograde, I think it is going to be emotional communication which needs most care. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 6th January 2016 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If an opportunity isn't working out as you hoped Aries, try not to force things. This can be especially so if it feels that something or someone you aspired to seems to be ebbing away, with you unable to assert very much control. There could be quite a sense of loss, one which can be all the more poignant at this sensitive time.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If a scheme seems too good to be true, then it likely is. Don't be tempted into any plan that involves parting with your hard-earned cash – unless you're absolutely sure that this would truly stack up. There's a good chance that someone's offer may seem especially tempting. But then, the more you are tempted the more cautious you should be.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If your thoughts and energies have recently been consumed by a difference of opinion, things should begin to ease from today. However, as Venus in your relationship sector moves to connect with Saturn, you could still feel a little bit miffed that this spat ever happened at all. Even so, if you can weather this storm, your bond can strengthen. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you had the chance to indulge over the festive season and New Year, present influences can see you taking stock and becoming more conscious of what you eat or perhaps upping your exercise. Indeed, over the days ahead the desire to get back into shape could figure prominently in your plans, and particularly if there's someone you're keen to impress.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A desire for instant results could see you tempted into cutting corners, as you race to the proverbial finishing line. However, if you're really keen to make a success of this, you'd probably be best to micromanage the details. Whilst these very important nitty gritty angles may not seem very exciting, your attention to them, can give you a sense of satisfaction.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Some of your suggestions may not be as warmly received as you hoped. Be sure someone is not misunderstanding your true intentions. If you want to make the best of the day and the rest of this week, give some thought as to how you might win them over – particularly if this individual has a lot of influence in your family or social circle.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Tensions around one friendship may emerge, and could be linked to the Moon's connection to both Saturn and Neptune. This may make it harder to persuade someone that you have their best interests at heart. But then watch how this pans out. If their negativity starts to feel like it's controlling or draining you, attend to your own needs instead.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you've been spending more money on pleasure activities or hobbies than you planned, you may find yourself having something of a reality check. Even so, it's better to find out now when you can still do something about it, rather than later. A noticeable difference can soon be made by making just a few adjustments.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Although you may feel that you owe it to yourself to get more pleasure out of your existence, you may also feel a tad guilty about doing so. As the Moon aligns with Saturn today, this could see you more inhibited. But this might not be a bad idea in the short term as switching your attention to other things, will soon see you revived and refreshed.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Watch out for those who demand too much of your time, especially if you've a lot to do today. And if one person is more of a drain than others, then you may need to have a few words. However, letting your more sensitive side show in the conversation could allow for an opportunity for you to set boundaries, while keeping things on an even keel.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you long for the company of others who are on your wavelength, then this can be a good time to look to clubs or groups, whether they are online or off, and ones that might add a little more sparkle and cheer to your world. Even so, with Mercury now retrograde in your sign, an old flame or friend could make an unexpected reappearance.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Although more in touch with your feelings than many, Mercury's rewind phase, now ongoing, can bring important insights concerning someone you are close to. Indeed, if you're missing their company for whatever reason, it may dawn on you how supportive they've been all along. This can help you to see their value in a new light.