Horoscopes Wednesday 5th June 2019

The Moon in Cancer aligns with feisty Mars which could see us being very protective when it comes to those people we treasure the most.

We could also find ourselves more irritable than usual over minor issues. Exercise might help us channel this excess energy. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 5th June 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 5th June 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If it seems you have been too involved in domestic or family affairs, then you may want to get out for a while and walk in nature or your local park. Indeed, some retail therapy can also be a welcome distraction. Whatever is on your mind though, don't let frustration set in. Speak to your partner or close friend, as they'll likely see some other angles. No need to bottle it up. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you have an opinion on something, then it won't help to keep on in the hope that others will eventually agree with you, no matter how strongly you feel. Still, you could feel misunderstood, and nobody likes that. Talking things over in a sensitive way could help resolve this, but only if you're willing to accept that another's personal beliefs may clash with yours, and that is okay.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

There could be a touch of frustration around financial affairs, as the Moon links up with fiery Mars. Maybe something you want isn't available, or you feel annoyed for purchasing something that you didn't really need. This can be a very proactive force too, inspiring you to sell off anything that you no longer want, as you could earn good money from pre-loved items Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A dynamic Moon/Mars liaison in your sign, encourages you to say whatever is on your mind and not to hold back. The focus is very much on you and your feelings, and this is your chance to air them. And if it also means voicing your irritation about the way certain people are behaving, then so be it. If you have adopted a policy of not rocking the boat, then this may need to change.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There's a lot going on behind-the-scenes that is important to attend to, as it can set the stage for new beginnings. If you have let your creative well run dry lately, then allow your imagination free reign as you'll soon be flooded with new ideas. Just remember to write them down. Old wounds could be triggered by someone's words. A mindful approach might diffuse this though.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You could experience a clash of personalities, as you and another may not see eye-to-eye, which might leave you feeling awkward in this person's company. If you're working together as part of a team or group project, then hurt feelings could mar productivity. Taking them aside for a heartfelt chat can be one way to resolve this, as it may be down to a minor misunderstanding.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As you pour your energy into getting ahead with your plans, don't ignore your feelings Libra. If something leaves you feeling edgy and irritable today, then take a closer look at why this might be. Is it because you would rather do something else instead? Your emotions can be a clue that something isn't working, or it might be a call to take a break and enjoy a little self-care.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Have you been making more work for yourself than is necessary? The intense focus on your sector of talk and thought, suggests you may be trying too hard to accomplish something when it doesn't need to be perfect. Your horoscope suggests that an outing or even a couple of days away, could refresh a tired mind and help make things so much easier Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Feelings run deep, and if you are tempted to gloss over them by putting on a smiley face, then your best friends will likely see through the façade. Something could trigger feelings of overwhelm and if so, this is not a cue to carry on regardless. Call a friend or arrange to meet for a coffee and a chance to pour your heart out. By the time you've finished, you'll feel better Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If someone seems annoyed by you, then don't wait around to find out why or even seek to ignore it. With stirring Mars moving through your sector of relating, clearing the air can prove invaluable. It may be nothing much and easily resolved, or it could be that a minor issue triggers a pool of resentment that has been building for some time. Just hearing someone out can be therapeutic.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The frustration of not being able to find something you are looking for may be enough to encourage you to get organized. If you have let your everyday admin slip, then today's Moon/Mars merger can see you keen to get back on track. Book that dentist or doctor's appointment and sort out unpaid bills and paperwork, then treat yourself to something nice.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If feelings are running high and you need to vent, then the focus on your recreation zone hints that doing something creative or even taking part in a sport you enjoy, could be cathartic and help channel those emotions in a healthy way. If those household tasks are building up, then vigorously vacuuming, mopping and cleaning could be another way to diffuse tensions.