Horoscopes Wednesday 5th December 2018

The Sun's angle with nebulous Neptune can leave us less focused than normal, so writing a to-do list might be an aid to getting important tasks completed.

We may be more gullible too, so care may be needed when dealing with certain others. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 5th December 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 5th December 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If you have the confidence to back up any intuitive nudges, you will soon make good progress and bring dynamic change into your life. Indeed, listening to your instincts can hasten this transformation. The return of the alluring Venus into a passionate sector, hints at the potential for an encounter that could have extra sizzle and leave you wanting more Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Should you tell someone how you feel about a key issue, or avoid it altogether? If you sense they may not like to hear your view, then this could make things awkward. While it may be simpler to sidestep this, addressing it in a gentle way could bring you closer to this person. Indeed, the Moon's tie with communicator Mercury, can see barriers melting and trust developing.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Relationships look pleasantly positive, with opportunities coming your way the more you are willing to interact or move in new circles. You have a keen interest in those you meet and a natural desire to reach out, and ongoing influences will enhance this. Even so, if you sense that it is best to be careful in your dealings with a certain person, then the planets suggest that you do.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Whether you have a challenge ahead or are simply trying to get more done, the stars offer a solution. Smart thinking could help you see ways to get certain tasks completed faster, giving you time for activities that you enjoy. You may be dreaming of getting away from it all rather than doing more though. If you haven't had a break in a while, then it may be time.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Lively energies can spark ideas that surprise you. You may begin to perceive a person or a situation in a way that you had not done previously, bringing your creative side into play. Your horoscope also hints at changes that can come as a result of a decision. The Moon Pluto link can see you considering a bold move. If this is in connection with your lifestyle, take one step at a time.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It would be of little surprise if a situation you thought you had resolved shows up again. This may be down to Mercury, your guide planet, turning direct tomorrow. Move now to tie up any loose ends and this could finalize this at last. You may be quite taken by someone's idea, but no matter how good it appears, just be mindful they may not have a grasp of the whole picture.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

It may seem you've reached an impasse when it comes to getting through to a certain person, and the next day or so might confirm this. But with some very muddled energies involved in the mix, it might be simpler to let things rest for now. This is not the best time to make any promises either as misunderstandings are possible. Focus on your own agenda instead.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

An awkward tie between the Sun and nebulous Neptune, could make you aware of the reasons why you might be avoiding a situation. It may be that it seems too daunting to tackle alone and getting help would make it easier. With the potential for confusion, getting the opinion or advice of someone with experience could make a world of difference and reassure you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you have already made great strides, the coming days could see you pause, even if you have already accepted a challenge or committed to a goal. You can certainly accomplish great things Archer, but there is also a possibility that someone or something may undermine your confidence. Look to clear this concern, and then continue onwards positively.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You could discover something that changes your life in a powerful way, and it could be a realization about your purpose in life Capricorn. You can gain the most benefit from personal reflection and meditation though, rather than accepting others' words as the truth. If you are looking for knowledge elsewhere, it could mislead. Allow your intuition to be your guide.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

An altruistic mood could see you giving away time or money for a good cause, but avoid overdoing this to the point that you feel drained, so look to keep firm boundaries. Consider what is truly affordable and stick to it, as you'll feel more in control Aquarius. In general, your emotions can be closer to the surface today, yet this can enhance your perception.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Bold Mars aligns with the dreamy Neptune in your sign now and until the 12th of December, and everyday matters could stir up memories and feelings. A movie, a novel or a conversation could stir you, and you could find yourself on a rollercoaster at times. If you feel vulnerable, direct your energies into creative pursuits, it can prove to be therapeutic.