The Moon in Pisces aligns with jovial Jupiter, which can add a positive and spiritual note to the day ahead.
Our intution may be spot on and our dreams could have something powerful to communicate to us. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 2nd February 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You're keen to make your mark on the world and show what you're capable of. And despite any recent delays, your determination has not wavered. Yet the focus on sensitive Pisces, can cause you to stop and reflect. What are your motives for your current plans? As the Moon aligns with buoyant Jupiter, you may question them if they aren't contributing to other people's happiness.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may be more popular than you think, and lunar ties will back this up. If you feel like moving in new circles and expanding your social horizons, then go for it. No matter what else you have on your plate, you thrive in good company, and todays could be better than the best. An intriguing encounter might find you opening up to someone who will love to listen to you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be ambitious to move up in the world with your job, business or goals. Aiming high is the name of the game now, and today's Moon/Jupiter merger could bring a stroke of good fortune your way. Perhaps something falls into your lap without you having to hustle for it. Don't stop to wonder why. Just run with it, Gemini. If you don't grab it, someone else will.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your thirst for adventure is strong right now, but even if you can't take off right away for that well-deserved vacation, you could do some online surfing. It might not be the same as going to Hawaii or California, but it may whet your appetite and encourage you to get more detailed about your plans. What you really need is something to dream about, so start now to make it a reality.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Wondering about someone's agenda? They may be wondering what you're up to as well. The Moon in a secretive sector, can mean people are keeping their cards close to their chest. Yet with Neptune in this zone, you might as well shout your business to the rooftops. People are very sensitive now, including you, and it's so much easier to read between the lines than you think.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Today's Moon/Jupiter merger, can prove to you that your instincts were right. Whether you're pursuing a romance, making a decision that could influence the future of your relationship or collaborating on a project, things may click into place. And they're starting to look promising.This is a great time to expand your reach, and other people are the key to making it a reality.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
How healthy do you want to be, Libra? Today's line-up suggests that if you're offered a treat or a delicious meal, your diet may go out of the window. With 2022 already one month in, how are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? It can seem today is a test of your determination to stick with them. Want it? Don't fight it! You haven't failed, as long as you keep doing your best.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It's a day to stand out from the crowd and make sure you dress to impress. You never know who you might meet, Scorpio. And with the Moon/Jupiter alignment encouraging you to make a bold statement, you'll certainly have plenty of wow factor. Thing is, you feel lucky, and this can invite good fortune. You may connect with just the right person to give your destiny a bump start.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may have some serious business on, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a little downtime and a chance to unwind in your signature PJ's. After a hard day, the cosmos encourages you to do nothing much but please yourself. Once you've got all the tasks and chores finished, settle in with a good book or kick back and take in the latest movie. Just this can do you so much good, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may have a lot to say today, and you'll be treating others to your best ideas, smartest opinions and a low down of your latest thoughts on the meaning of life. No need to tell everyone everything though, as you could give something away that isn't in your best interests, even if you are just being friendly. There are some things that it's best to keep to yourself, just for now.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
No doubt you seem to be in a generous mood, but you can keep breathing out forever. At some point, you're going to need to inhale, or at least stem the outpouring of money, so that you have something for yourself. After all, you still need to pay the bills. With Jupiter empowering this zone with its beneficial presence, your horoscope reveals that all it needs is one brilliant idea to turn things around, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
While the Sun in a private zone encourages you to take a tour of your inner world and get to know it better, the pearly Moon has other plans, as it enters your sign and liaises with Jupiter. You'll feel a burst of optimism, and this can fuel your belief in yourself. Is there something that will fulfil you emotionally? Whatever it is, go and do it. You deserve this chance to feel good.