The Moon in Cancer aligns harmoniously with trendsetter Uranus which makes for a refreshing and delightful day.
Lively experiences can influence us in positive ways and assist us in connecting with new people and opportunities. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 2nd December 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Need something for the home? A lively Moon/Uranus tie can see you snapping up the perfect item on a whim, and being very happy with it. But this lively aspect could also give insights into household costs and utilities, or other services that might work out much cheaper. Something you discover today can help you to save money, which will be welcome at this time of year.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Showing your affection for someone can reassure them that your relationship is very much on, especially if you have been too busy to speak or spend much time with them lately. Lovely Venus in your sector of relating, hints that making a special gesture could help things turn a corner and move in a positive direction, if they have been languishing more recently Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Ever done something without thinking, that turns out to be a great decision? Perhaps it's one you are truly grateful for. This could happen in a small way, as an encounter or event might lead to actions that have a positive and uplifting effect on you. It may be something like taking on board new information or following through on a bold suggestion, that makes a significant difference.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You and another might hit it off almost instantly, and find that you share similar interests. Yet after the initial burst of enthusiasm things could go flat, unless you have something more that can fuel a deeper relationship. Take this as a sign that you are better moving on, as with Venus in Scorpio, there is every chance that you can meet someone who really does float your boat.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As lively Mercury moves more deeply into Sagittarius, your thinking can become more adventurous. You may be ready to see life through a bigger lens, and to paint in broader brush strokes when making new plans. From this month, a major shift could change your focus to one in which teamwork becomes key to success, helping you accomplish so much more, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As the pearly Moon aligns with restless Uranus, you might find it difficult to focus on one thing. If you have work to get done or a deadline to meet, then taking short breaks and turning your attention to other matters, may be an aid. In the main though, this aspect can assist in highlighting opportunities that could make a difference if you were to act upon them, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The coming weeks may be interesting, as a dynamic influence adds sparkle to your social life and interactions. You might find yourself more involved with those in your area, and perhaps keen to help with any new initiatives. On another note Libra, your horoscope suggests it is best not to rush to conclusions regarding a work or business conversation, as something very helpful to you could emerge from it.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With savvy Mercury newly in your money zone and the Sun here too, encouraging you to think up ways to enhance your income, you may feel moved to explore other possibilities. Don't be afraid to dip your toe into something different, as doing so could work out well. A lively Moon/Uranus tie can coincide with an unexpected call from someone that might boost morale.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You are in a phase when it helps to make small but positive daily changes to your routines, that could become a part of your life over the long-term. Doing so is not always easy though, and any reluctance can conflict with more progressive ideas. There may come a point Archer, when staying as you are might seem more difficult and confining than moving out of your comfort zone.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Although the present alignment suggests you may be busy with various tasks, an inquisitive blend of energies can see you taking time to chat to a colleague or make the acquaintance of someone you know by sight, but have never spoken to. Even so, such conversations might leave you intrigued and open to taking a relationship further, if it seems the right thing to do.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Moon's link to Uranus can find you eager to change your lifestyle, if it contributes to your happiness. But it may be a flash of inspiration that decides this for you, such as a friend who looks sensational after enhancing their wellness schedule, or a need to impress for a job interview or a budding romance. If you are ready for a positive shift, small actions could bring big results.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A passing conversation or brief meeting could have quite an impact, and you may be keen to meet up with this person again. Whether online or off, something about them might inspire you, and connecting with them further can seem the best way to find out more. If they are willing to share their secrets with you it may change your life, especially if you take their words to heart.