Messenger Mercury opposes hazy Neptune which can put us in a dreamy mood making it hard to focus on what needs to be done.
We may find it difficult to deal with reality especially facts and figures and might find creative activities, reading or watching a movie more rewarding. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 25th August 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 25th August 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Something getting to you, Aries? As messenger Mercury opposes escapist Neptune, you might prefer to forget about it rather than tackle it head-on. And perhaps on this occasion, this may be the better option. Rather than have this on a loop 24/7, this dreamy aspect encourages you to lose yourself in an inspiring movie or to go somewhere beautiful, giving you a chance to feel at peace.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Need to hold a key conversation? If you put too much pressure on yourself to get it right, you might never make a start. If you can leave it for today or even for a few hours, and link up with friends, family or get involved in social activities, something could shift. In a day or so you'll be much more determined, and find it easier to say what's on your mind without diluting it, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As a Gemini, you often have many projects on the go, some of which bear no relationship to each other. With thoughtful Mercury opposing dreamy Neptune, you could find it even more difficult to concentrate on what needs to be done. This might be challenging if you have an urgent deadline and no inclination to do anything. Just make a start, and it may soon be done.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may have many reasons to spend time with someone special, which could make this a day to look forward to. With Mercury facing off with Neptune, thoughts of this encounter might cause you to fantasize about what the outcome can be. And as Pluto is involved in the mix, there may be a touch of obsession too, making the prospect even more tempting and delicious, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
An opportunity may have its positives, but it could also have a few negatives, which is why it's wise to look into it in some depth before you agree to anything. The same can be true of a purchase that looks perfect, but might have flaws. You just need to use your judgement, as it may be that the good points outweigh the bad. Keep receipts and paperwork just in case though, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The focus on your sign can put you in a go-getter mood, especially with the Sun and Mars spurring you on, Virgo. But trying to make sense of a conversation or negotiating an agreement could be difficult today, with impressionable Neptune in the picture. You need to set your sights on what you want, and refuse to be swayed by other people's attempts to influence your thinking.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With dreamy Neptune shimmering in your lifestyle sector, sticking to a routine may not be the easiest thing. Sparkling ideas and impulses can lead you to change your mind, and try something else that appeals to the imagination. Your horoscope suggests you might be drawn to explore spiritual activities such as yoga or meditation, or get involved with creative projects that chime very nicely with you, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Watch out for the possibility of mixed messages, as with Mercury opposing Neptune, you could inadvertently cause some confusion. This influence can mean you are sensitive to other people's vibes, and may be trying hard to say the right thing so as not to offend. It might send the wrong signals though, so being tactfully honest could be your best bet, and help avoid muddles.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While a Mercury/Neptune link can inspire you to keep a low profile, the Sun in a prominent sector might encourage you to revel in any attention you get, and even to take the lead. Just for today though, be sure to simplify matters as much as you can. It's easy for mistakes to occur, and these could cause a potentially sound opportunity or offer to appear to be much less than it is.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Moon in Aries makes some positive ties, which can encourage you to smooth over a family difficulty. This is a good time to take the initiative and get everyone talking. Even if things start out awkwardly at first, it will get easier. If this is down to an event that caused hurt, it may be time to consider dropping it Capricorn, and to allow a closeness to develop once again.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It's essential to know what you want and stick with it, otherwise you may end up with something that is no use at all. You could be mesmerized and seduced into thinking something else might be better, which could be a mistake. If you're tempted, hold back for a day or so when Mercury aligns more fully with no-nonsense Pluto. You'll have a stronger instinct about what's best.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The stellar map suggests you may prefer to give someone the benefit of the doubt, or accept them at their word. Furthermore, with dreamy Neptune in your sign, it can be easy to attribute this person with traits or qualities that they might not have. With relentless Pluto also in the mix though, it could be a friend who encourages you to be cautious rather than too trusting, Pisces.