Restless Uranus turns retrograde from today until January 22, 2023, inspiring us tap into our authentic nature.
If we feel trapped by beliefs of our own creation, we'll become more aware of them and be ready and willing to change. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 24th August 2022 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Restless Uranus has been moving through your financial zone for some years now, and may have inspired you to think of your resources and talents from a fresh perspective. Today it goes into reverse, so you'll have a chance to look at your money mindset, and how you might change it to make better choices and feel more secure. Easy does it, there's no need to rush into anything.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With energizing Uranus turning retrograde in your sign, the coming months are an opportunity to consolidate matters. If you do go through a shift, it could be more of an internal one, such as changing your mindset concerning key issues or areas of your life. And if you succeed, it can have a powerful impact over time, revolutionizing your outlook and your plans, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As the Sun moves deeper into your home zone, a flash of inspiration could see you making changes to your place that can encourage greater peace, calm and healing. And while decluttering will give you room to think, giving your place a makeover that is beautiful and practical, and where you'll happily entertain, might also be on the cards and bring much joy.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may find yourself in two minds, making it difficult to decide on something important. The Sun's developing angle with feisty Mars, suggests you'll have so much information coming at you that you'll chop and change every two minutes. It might be helpful to trust your instincts and bypass your thinking process Cancer, as you're in danger of analysis paralysis if you don't.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A change of focus could occur, as maverick Uranus goes into reverse in a highflying zone. This may mean you're less impulsive when it comes to decisions concerning your career or goals. You'll still be willing to invite new opportunities into your life, but less likely to jump ship on the spur of the moment. Still, something very interesting might attract your attention today, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The coming days could be a tad disruptive, but things can still work out to your benefit. Matters might not go as planned, but keep an open mind as new ideas and options may pleasantly surprise you. A new door could open, that encourages you to try something different. It may be a challenge and could involve learning new skills, but it will bring so much enjoyment to you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As trendsetter Uranus regresses, your horoscope suggests that you may turn your attention to making inner changes. This might include letting go of situations and relationships that are holding you back. You could be ready to discuss experiences that have left lingering emotional patterns, which can be powerful if it allows you to forgive and forget. A new you may be in the process of being created, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Since Uranus has been in your relationship zone, others may have appeared unpredictable and liable to let you down. As this revolutionary planet rewinds for some months, you might get to thinking about the part you play, and how your actions affect others. Those we are closest to often reflect aspects of our nature that we are disconnected from. Could this be true for you, Scorpio?
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
It's time to tune into your own rhythm and learn to dance to it, Archer. As electric Uranus changes direction and appears to move backwards, you may feel less at ease with imposed routines, and this might encourage you to look for a chance to realign your lifestyle in a more authentic way. It could take some experimentation, but with trial and error you'll get there.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A chance meeting could pave the way for a romance or friendship to develop, that may be like nothing you've experienced before. The two of you might get on instantly, mainly because you have a lot in common. But you'll also respect each other's views, which could vary considerably. This can be the glue that keeps you both coming back for more and that deepens your bond.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Uranus your guide planet, enters its retro phase for some months, making life less unpredictable. This can be an opportunity to revolutionize your thinking and your inner game. It might encourage you to detach yourself from inherited beliefs, and become more of your own person. This is not something that will occur overnight, but little by little, it can happen if you want it to.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Sun newly in your sector of relating clashes with pushy Mars, so watch out for disagreements, especially between close ones and family members. It may be difficult for them to see eye-to-eye, and you could be torn as to where to direct your support, Pisces. It's best not to take sides, but to encourage those involved to talk things over and try to find a compromise.