Horoscopes Wednesday 24th April 2019

Potent Pluto turns retrograde from today until early October in the sign of Capricorn, which could see us reviewing issues around power and control.

If it seems we are being manipulated or pressured by others then we might feel ready to do something about it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 24th April 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 24th April 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While the Moon in Capricorn might encourage you to focus on business orientated issues, there's another more ethereal energy developing that can see you embracing your humanity and being willing to reach out to others if they need help. You could swing between both over the next day or so Aries, but know that someone somewhere may be grateful for your supportiveness.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your friends adore you, warts and all, and as the current star map reveals, if anything, it is that people care about you more than you may realize. Therefore, believe it is safe to share that you don't always have the answers, and there are times when you need to ask for help. You may be surprised at how you are showered with kindness and how much you are really appreciated.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You can try ignoring an issue by pretending that it doesn't exist, but that might only make things worse. And as time marches on, it could be tempting to bury your head in the sand. With Mars in your sign, look to summon your courage, for even though it's currently linked to the elusive and potentially draining Neptune, its power and drive do give you the chance to find solutions.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As powerful Pluto rewinds from today in your relationship zone, followed by cautious Saturn in a few days, your focus can shift and see you keen to understand the part you have played in making your relationships the way they are. These two heavyweights suggest that developing a greater understanding can be gripping, but embrace the upside of your closest ties too.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The divide between work and play can deepen over coming days, as commitments may seem to pile up and your need to get away from it all can increase. How will you bridge the gap Leo? With radical Pluto rewinding from today, you may realize the necessity of not taking on more than you can manage and of making sure that time off is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As the Moon makes a positive tie to an energizing Sun/Uranus link, you may be offered a chance to broaden your horizons. While the first tentative efforts may seem like a step into the unknown, you'll soon enjoy the exhilaration that comes with every new experience, as you overcome challenges and gain in confidence. Don't be surprised if romance or creativity are heightened too.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The idea of connecting with friends for a light-hearted chat could seem to be the way to put recent frustrations behind you. If matters at home or with the family have put pressure on you, then a short break can be a way to relax and see things from a fresh perspective. Still, you may find such issues easing over coming weeks, and that a way opens for you to feel more at peace.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Thoughts of happier times at a place where you felt at peace with life could bring on a yearning to re-experience it. Your horoscope suggests that you don't really need to revisit it, but might be contented to talk about any lovely memories with a close friend. This may be enough. While these times are gone, looking for beauty in each moment of the day can be enchanting too.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With feisty Mars transiting your sector of relating, you may enjoy being with people who are on your wavelength. Someone's intellect and lively wit, and their ability to talk about things that interest you, could draw you to them. You often relish a good witty exchange, so if a new friend can make you laugh, then so much the better. Any valuable tips gleaned could be useful to you too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Although there is a practical focus ongoing, your dreams can be of special importance over coming days, and perhaps entice you away from your daily routines. A vision or a fantasy could be a clue to your heart's desire Capricorn, and reflecting on it might inspire you to do something that supports your deeper happiness and leaves you energized and more contented with everyday life.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Sometimes the way to feel better about life can be to focus on resolving issues that might be a drain on your energy. If you need time to yourself to do this, then do take it. You might find that practices such as yoga or tai chi could help you feel more empowered, enabling you to say no when necessary, and mean it. Equally, such quiet reflection can bring some dazzling insights your way.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A decision to organize your kitchen or even the things you eat, could lead to a renewed effort to improve your wellbeing. Why? Well, the cosmos is encouraging you to give some extra thought to looking after yourself. Such self-care can make the world of difference to the way you feel. As someone who often gives a lot to others, this is a chance to give back to yourself.