A desire for fresh opportunities and ideas can show up as fiery Mars links to energizing Uranus.
We may be ready to make a number of changes to our usual routine that might give us more to look forward to. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 14th November 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 14th November 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Get ready for a surprise, you are unlikely to be disappointed. This may be one of those times when a friend says or does something that you really didn't expect. Once feisty Mars your ruler, moves into compassionate Pisces tomorrow though, you may understand why. Perhaps the best thing you can do is give them the space to be who they are, even if you find yourself miffed. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Someone may put themselves forward as an expert, but don't presume that they know more than you do. Or if a person you're close to is keen to prove you wrong, then be kind, but don't feel you have to appease them. You may not need to say anything at all as your actions can show beyond all doubt that you walk your talk. And the outcome can speak volumes in this instance.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Moon's tie to thoughtful Mercury, can coincide with an inspiring conversation that could turn into something of a pep-talk. If you sense that someone is in need of a listening ear, then sitting with them can make a real difference. Perhaps they just need a fresh perspective on an ongoing situation, and if you can provide this, then you may have given them the best gift of all.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
This is not the best time to take financial risks, as there is a greater likelihood of acting on impulse rather than making a more informed decision. This doesn't necessarily apply to purchases, though it can. It could also concern schemes or grants that you might benefit from if you know how to approach the people concerned in the right way, rather than on the spur of the moment.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Faraway people and places may be very much on your mind, stirring your appetite for adventure. And if you are a Leo who enjoys surprises, then you may get an invite to travel or a chance to enjoy another kind of experience such as a ride in a hot air balloon, a charity abseil or something you've never tried before. Stay safe, but if you feel you might enjoy such options, then take them.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If there's something you've been putting off, a restless tie might mean you are even less inclined to tackle it. However, you may be able to talk yourself into it if you give yourself a reward for finishing. Make it something exciting and appealing that you might really look forward to, and it could ramp-up your motivation and be a tactic that you can use again.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your horoscope hints that you may get a second bite at the cherry regarding a creative opportunity or even a potential romance, as the chance could come around once again. If it's something you're excited about, then you might be tempted to rush into it so as not to lose out. Easy does it though, for with Mars about to enter Pisces, your perspective may be subtler and more imaginative.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Proactive Mars will move into the dreamier and imaginative sign of Pisces tomorrow, but currently it is poised in the final degree of Aquarius and your home zone, and linking to the unpredictable energy of Uranus. If you find it hard to settle, you may seek to get involved in something that truly captures your interest. As a result, you could discover something thought provoking.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Sun still forging an angle to the cleansing powers of Pluto, there's still time to make a decision that could release you from a difficult situation, just by letting go. You may have grown in many ways because of this experience, but is it now time to move on? If you need to talk it over with someone first, then choose a non-judgmental friend who has your best interests at heart.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
An idea may be more valuable than you think, and it might only be once you go to work on it that you realize its potential. Naturally, we all have many thoughts and ideas every day, but be on the alert, as a solution to a key issue or creative project can show up when your mind is relaxed. You'll likely realize it as helpful, but if you write it down you'll find out just how much.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may have a great deal to talk about with someone, and any conversations might allow you to see possibilities where there were none. What you discuss could influence your mood in a positive way if it is encouraging and uplifting. On another note, the coming days can reveal brilliant ideas and solutions that could have a touch of genius about them that appeals to you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It may be hard to get those routine tasks done, so just do the best you can for now. With an edgy aspect on the go, you may find that any activity that helps you to relax is very worthwhile. If you have the chance of a healing massage, then do take it. Similarly, a few hours at the local spa could work wonders, especially if you can combine it with swimming or gentle exercise.