Today's Full Moon in Gemini can see us curious and excited about new possibilities and keen to engage with others socially.
Certain books or information can be significant in helping us to move ahead with our plans or be something to relish. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 14th December 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 14th December 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Conversations and discussions can be very animated today and over coming days, as energies across your communication axis encourage some lively exchanges. You could also notice that a friend's company leaves you feeling quite exhilarated. Even so, running underneath various interactions, heartfelt words can cement bonds and help enhance seasonal spirits, Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Today's bustling influences could see you ready to tackle part, or all, of engaging with buying gifts. You might find yourself tempted by items that may be nice but not truly necessary. Setting limits or making a well researched list could be one way to handle this matter. Small, and most of all thoughtful presents can be beautiful too, so be resolute about your budget.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Full Moon in your sign today could encourage discussion around an issue that may have been on the back burner. Talking things through might allow for other facets to emerge, as heightened feelings may pave the way for further insights. The more a topic is debated Gemini, the more inspiration may be garnered, perhaps allowing for some unique ideas and solutions.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With a powerful lunar phase occurring in a mystical sector, you might find that a few minutes' reflection can give you space to think. Today's potent lunar phase spotlights a potentially busy time and knowing when to apply yourself and when to take a break can be crucial to completing your tasks. A rested mind will enable you to more easily spot any sparkling opportunities.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Reconnecting with old friends could bring back fond memories. And with the social side of the festive season reaching a peak, the coming weeks can be very positive regarding such encounters. Over the next day or so though, you could find that one friendship reaches an even deeper level of connection. A shared interest could spark this or it can be just chemistry.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
An investment you make now could bring positive gains over coming weeks. It may not be anything material either Virgo, but might be connected with a more soulful purpose that weaves in and out of your life. It could be a hobby or interest that has especially deep meaning and that can encourage within you a heartfelt desire to do more of it and perhaps share with others too.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Today's stimulating energies can see you exchanging texts and making more calls than usual. The present backdrop reveals many opportunities to meet people with whom you might forge mutually beneficial bonds. True friendships are generally built over time, so if you sense a resonance with someone then the Moon's pearly beams can encourage further, future interaction.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Moon's tie with the stirring energies of Mars can set you thinking about loved ones and remind you to send cards or call them up. Your horoscope suggests you could feel moved to give something back to those who may have positively influenced your life over the past year. A thoughtful gift or note can leave them feeling deeply appreciated, and especially if they're unlikely to expect this.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the expansive energies of Jupiter your ruler now linking with the innovative energies of Uranus, there can be opportunities for cutting edge discussions. This can include a keen delight in discovering information that may serve a fruitful purpose in your future. Although you could feel unsettled today, confiding in someone might help you make a key decision Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As the Moon in your lifestyle sector opposes the Sun in a more secluded zone, feelings can move between a more spiritual focus and a desire to keep up to date with all that is happening in your local area. Present influences suggest there may be a lot going on for you, and if your schedule is more hectic than usual you could find that delegating some tasks useful.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Communication between you and another can be quite spontaneous and might generate ideas that give festive plans an original twist. With social events bringing new people your way, you could have many reasons to mix and mingle. Over coming days though, an impromptu invite can shimmer with promise and especially if someone you admire will be in attendance.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As Mars moves towards the end of its journey through the quietest of sectors in your chart, a deeper impulse might inspire you to take a look at a childhood experience. This could be partly prompted by today's Full Moon in your home zone which could spotlight feelings that may seem quite compelling. Bringing them into the open can trigger greater acceptance and letting go.