Horoscopes Wednesday 14th August 2019

A Sun Venus merger in the sign of Leo can enhance romantic inclinations and opportunities.

We may find it easier to express our feelings and perhaps to do so in a flamaboyant or theatrical way. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 14th August 2019 please see below… 

Horoscopes Wednesday 14th August 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There is an effervescent quality showing up that can inspire you to make spur-of-the-moment decisions. The Moon's angle with electric Uranus, suggests you might join a club or take out a membership, but do think about the cost first. In addition, a developing bond could move to a new and promising level, and other activities might pale into insignificance for the time being. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Home décor stores could call out to you if you're keen to spruce up your place. It is those cozy touches that can make your home so welcoming and freshen it up, as the season begins to change. With the Moon in enigmatic Aquarius though, you might feel frustrated with the progress of a key goal. If you're honest, it may be because something else has captured your interest Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Positive aspects continue to bring you together with people who share your interests, and with whom you can feel very much at ease. You may find yourself on a different wavelength over coming days though, preferring to listen to the inner drumbeat while dreaming big dreams. If you get the chance to make a start on one of them, it can be a way to channel restless energies.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It likely won't hurt to play hard to get over coming days, as the Moon in a magnetic zone, can see your attractive side coming to the fore and others keen to get your attention. You don't need to respond immediately Cancer, and you might benefit from hanging back and letting them guess your intentions. The more mysterious you appear, the more someone might be drawn to you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It may be helpful not to take what others say too seriously over coming days. With restless influences showing up, whatever is decided could so easily change Leo. Nothing is set in stone, and even though someone might make a firm promise, it may be retracted. This is more of an opportunity to brainstorm ideas and solutions that thrill, rather than making a set commitment.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Looking for something different? A fractious angle between the Moon and freedom-loving Uranus, can make it hard to focus. You likely have things you need to get on with, but doing them may be another matter. Pinpointing what would make you happy can be even more difficult. Your horoscope suggests that a walk or perhaps a workout, could help settle you down and leave you calmer.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A delightful Sun Venus tie in your social zone is one of the best aspects for a date night, whether with your current partner or a love interest. Even so, a lunar tie to expansive Jupiter hints that you will gain the most enjoyment if you opt for a completely different experience. Let your imagination lead the way, and don't be confined by the tried and trusted on this occasion.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

While you may be busy with goals or ambitions, the Moon in your home zone can be a call to stop and think about what you are hoping to achieve. There is no harm in taking a step back and checking in on how you feel about it all. In addition, there is a good chance that a connection may blossom with the right person Scorpio, and that their friendship can be very useful to you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you feel fractious, then it may be down to an awkward tie between the Moon and Uranus, which can make it difficult to stay still. You might feel that you would rather be doing anything than what you are supposed to be, so it is unsurprising that you would find it hard to settle. If you have something to look forward to Archer, this could give you the impetus to get your work done.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may be tempted to splurge rather than invest, unless you make a concerted effort not to. An impulsive decision could see you paying for something that might be a lot of fun, but that you could regret later Capricorn. On another note, how do you feel about a relationship that seems to be showing promise? Things could be about to get serious. And if so, would this be an issue?

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There seem to be plenty of invites open to you, and you might find that taking advantage of them is the best way forward. Opting to spend the time alone might not be so rewarding as connecting with friends or getting involved in club projects. There is a fairly strong indicator that a bond may be developing in a romantic way Aquarius, or a friendship deepening and growing stronger.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Destiny may be at work as someone you meet in the course of doing everyday things such as shopping or going to the gym, could have more than a passing impact. Perhaps you have noticed them before Pisces, but this time something might click. Don't force anything, but you might feel like starting a conversation and seeing where this leads, as doing so could be a turning point.