With the Moon in Libra opposing sweet Venus in Aries this can be a good day for relationships if we are willing to be true to ourselves.
This doesn't mean being blunt, but putting our point across in a way that is genuine but also considerate of another's feelings. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 12th February 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 12th February 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While Venus in your sign can enable you to feel more confident, the Moon's face-off with this seductive planet might coincide with an encounter in which someone is drawn into your orbit. This beneficial aspect suggests you may sync with each other right away, which could benefit you both over the long term. In talks about a key issue? A compromise could work out well Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You might applaud a friend who shares exactly what you are feeling, as it can let you know that you are not the only one Taurus. If something is not quite as it should be, then fully admitting this could be the breakthrough you need. All that's left is to decide what to do about it. If you need to hold a sensitive conversation, your horoscope reveals this is the best time to go ahead and sort it out for good.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With a positive flow of energy showing up, the days ahead may sparkle with promise and could be particularly vivacious if connecting with a new group of people. Doing so could enhance your prospects in more ways than one, and see you excited about future opportunities. But a Moon Venus link suggests one encounter could have special sizzle Gemini, leaving you eager for more.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With expansive Jupiter aligning with ethereal Neptune, you may be keen to fulfil a yearning. Need a vacation or a new experience? Getting away from it all or moving out of your comfort zone could be it. And there's no need to go it alone. This is something that you'll likely want to share with another, as it will be more enjoyable having them along for the ride, no matter what you do.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With fiery Mars in the last degrees of your recreation zone, make the most of the coming days to enjoy the pursuit of uplifting activities, even if only in small doses. As Mars will change signs over the weekend, moving into your sector of work, your focus can soon shift, and you may be more inclined to get started on projects and plans, and find ways to be more productive Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A powerful focus in your sector of vitality and creativity can see you eager to pour your energy into various projects. You might discover hidden abilities and desires, whether this relates to a hobby, craft or competitive sport. And you can develop yourself further by pitting your skills against others. Eager to connect with a friend? They may have excellent advice to share Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Moon in your sign opposes sweet Venus in your sector of relating, which can bring a desire for emotional contact with others. If you connect with friends, then this is one aspect that can see you relishing a chance to indulge. Encounters can be particularly pleasant, and if you are going on a special date, then this aspect can be just the ticket to ensure that you have a great time.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Jupiter in your sector of talk and thought encourages you to study and expand your horizons, although you would be wise to look at your options before you make a start. If friends are in a similar situation of wanting to get ahead, it may be time to join forces, as pooling ideas and resources can lead to exciting opportunities at this time when luck could be on your side.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The issue of managing your resources could be high on your list of priorities, and may be the reason that you are in two minds about doing something exciting. You may have other things to do or might feel that your money is better spent elsewhere. Before you turn anything down though, think about the possible benefits, as they could be substantial and worth the expense.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
An optimistic outlook could prove to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, and one that brings expansion and prosperity too. And with a delightful focus on your money zone, you'll be keen to resolve any financial issues and be ready to take advantage of opportunities to use your resources creatively. Plus, a Moon Jupiter tie could coincide with an offer from someone you truly admire.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Catch the current wave of energy and enthusiasm, and ride with it as far as it will take you. Envisage wider ambitions for the future, and take a chance on improving key aspects of your life. Today, it seems your faith in a better tomorrow may be rewarded. And friends and close ones will be supportive and keen to spur you on. They may even want to assist you in your efforts.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may feel like splurging, with a lively and indulgent focus on your money zone. Go easy though, as extra expenses can also show up which might include bills for unexpected items such as membership fees or repairs to the house or car. You might find it equally satisfying to put some money away for a special purchase Pisces, such as a well-deserved vacation or other treat.