Horoscopes Tuesday 9th February 2016

The Moon moves into Pisces today and by later in the day is merging with the rather ethereal and illusive energies of Neptune. We may all enjoy some rather vivid dreams. 

Yet the fall out from yesterday's New Moon is much to the fore but fortunately, gentle Venus soothes some of the more avaricous tendencies of Mars. Diplomacy and subtly can help. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 9th February 2016 please see below..

 Horoscopes Tuesday 9th February 2016 

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may have felt at a turning point for some while; perhaps a couple of years, at least. And have likely become used to a degree of uncertainty in your life. This may have created a degree of anxiety, which would be quite understandable. Even so, the tide seems to be turning for you, with reassuring news giving you more confidence – as the coming days can show.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Perhaps you've been wondering which of two strategies you're going to choose. If both seem equally appealing, you may be hard pressed to make that final decision. If you're going through such a dilemma Taurus, then you may find that doing nothing may be the best tactic for now, for within a few days it is possible that another option can show up for you. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Sun's continuing presence in your zone of travel and adventure can see you keen to explore far horizons. It's probably just as well you have responsibilities to attend to though, as they can help to keep you grounded. Although you may want to visit such exotic destinations, perhaps it's a change in your everyday life that is what you really yearn for.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Is there something that inspires you so much you can't stop thinking about it? If so, then is it time to do something about pursuing this? Then again, you could experience a dilemma Cancer. This can see you feel somewhat guilty about not being there for a certain person or group as much as you usually are. However, too much people-pleasing may be draining you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you've been lamenting a lack of progress recently, perhaps a change of perspective can help you to see otherwise. In fact, the planetary backdrop suggests that you absolutely keep going with what is key. While you may or may not be doing as brilliantly as you hope, this challenge of sticking at things can certainly build a greater strength of character.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The benefits of yesterday's New Moon will provide a backdrop for up to a month. So if you hear news that conversely leaves you feeling a little deflated, don't immediately interpret this as being the worse-case scenario. Consider this may be just what's needed to help you take that leap of faith. Once you do you may never look back again.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Moon's tie with Neptune today suggests you may wonder if someone you work with or see every day is keeping something hidden, especially if you're their go-to confidante. However, for peace of mind, don't let it worry you. What's more important is that you are firmer with someone who you suspect may be subtly taking advantage of you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the Sun continues to square up with Mars in your sign, it might seem as though you've had the most original of ideas. However, because it seems so brilliant you might also wonder if you've missed something obvious in the process. Feelings of uncertainty might linger until the weekend though, by which time upbeat Jupiter can bring some reassuring news.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Try as you might to sidestep a misunderstanding, it may be too late if the seeds were sown some time ago. However, you could try to explain your motives or offer an explanation, even if you feel they are not truly heard. You are probably best to put this to one side, but this doesn't mean that the other person will be as obliging. Prepare for this possibility.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Certain routines and relationships may have been shaken up lately, which although unsettling, might actually be beneficial in the long-term. One area where this is likely is around the home, where new schedules may have been implemented or the family dynamic altered. Inconvenient though this might be, it can bring a new lease of life to such affairs.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You continue to be in a time when redefining who you really are at a deeper level, seems as important as food and drink. But don't work this too hard. Even just a little bit of time spent recharging your emotional and physical batteries can help. This isn't a luxury, Aquarius, but something that can be necessary for your well-being.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Decisive aspects to Jupiter your co-ruler, suggest that someone may be giving you a lot of support behind the scenes, but not letting on. Conversely, someone else may be expecting more from you than you're able or willing to give. However, what is really important is your relationship with yourself, as this is what fosters true self-respect and confidence.