Horoscopes Tuesday 8th September 2020

The Sun in Virgo aligns harmoniously with expansive Jupiter, assisting us with making positive decisions and enhancing our potential.

With both planets in earth signs we may be inclined to the practical and yet very willing to move out of our comfort zone. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 8th September 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 8th September 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Moon in steady Taurus makes some productive ties that can support your journey to reach your goals. While this might not be the most exciting of days, there is much you could accomplish that will leave you feeling good by the end of it. Mind, with Mars your ruler slowing prior to turning retrograde tomorrow, you may have second thoughts about an ambitious plan. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With a focus on the element of earth and the Moon in your sign making upbeat ties, you could get a lot done over coming days. It's a great opportunity for tackling those chores that just need doing. Friends might distract you, but unless you need some down time, racing through your to-do list can be very pleasing. Feel you would benefit from some self-care too? Then go for it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

While luscious Venus is in a communicative zone, your influence may be enhanced due to your charming and theatrical use of words. Someone could be very taken by you, and this can lead to a positive collaboration. On the emotional front, it might be time to forgive and forget, especially if another is ready to move forward. Hanging on to a seeming injustice may not be helping you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you can't manage alone, then it may be time to rope in a few friends who can help you get things done. Don't hold back Cancer, as with the Taurus Moon making some sterling ties, they might be very happy to assist. A more substantial opportunity could show up over coming days, and this can come about because someone needs you. You may become quite indispensable.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The coming days bring a chance to get your bearings and make some practical decisions. With the Sun in your money zone aligning with Jupiter in your lifestyle sector, you may be actively seeking opportunities that are an improvement on your current situation. Don't be put off if an opportunity seems to lack sparkle Leo, as it could be so different once you find out more.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It may be worth going that extra step to get yourself noticed, even if it means going back to basics or taking a refresher course. Whatever you hope to accomplish, polishing up your act can be so very worthwhile. When it comes to business and shared assets, this isn't a good time to push ahead with new plans. Instead, you might consider a review which reveals some flaws.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although you appear cool and in control of your feelings, things may be different on the inside, where you might be taking an issue very seriously. With the Moon aligning with Pluto and Saturn, admitting this to yourself can be a start. You don't have to share with another how you feel unless you want to, but you do need to be honest with yourself and embrace the truth Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may be almost ready to open up to someone, and yet today's lunar ties might prevent you from sharing as much as you would like. Perhaps memories of a betrayal or past hurt spring to mind, and encourage you to clam up. There's no rush when it comes to intimacy with another. You'll know when it is right to include those personal details. Until then, your horoscope suggests biding your time.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With talkative Mercury in your social sector and Venus in your exploration zone, you may be curious about someone who is well travelled and has a lot of life experience. Something about them could tap into your love of adventure and far horizons, and might be a call to leave your comfort zone and try something different. Getting to know them may inspire you even more.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Good things happen when you expand your thinking and look to the bigger picture. A positive Sun/Jupiter link can find you eager to move beyond your limits, and perhaps smash through that glass ceiling to new heights. With upbeat Jupiter turning direct in your sign this weekend, you may soon be reaping the rewards of your efforts, and feel inspired to go higher.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The coming days can be perfect for getting to grips with your stuff, Aquarius. While this may refer to household clutter, it also includes emotional baggage and extraneous thoughts, all of which might be a drain on you. The Moon in your home zone and its positive ties, suggests decluttering on all levels could leave you with more room to embrace a bold opportunity.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The key to making the most of coming days lies in successful communication, Pisces. With the Moon making some upbeat but uncomfortable ties, there may be something you need to say that leaves you nervous. Under this intense but positive sky, you could find that going ahead leads to transformational discussions that not only heal, but might take things to a whole new level.

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