Sweet Venus in Aries makes a positive tie with Mars in Gemini, highlighting romance and the urge to fulfil a desire.
Whatever we want, this restless link can see us being very persuasive and proactive. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 6th April 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 6th April 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Today's edgy lunar ties suggest that patience could wear thin, making it difficult to sympathize, even though it's expected of you. There might be a lot of things you don't feel like doing, especially if they impinge on your freedom Aries, or seem too much trouble. But a budding romance may show promise, and this revelation can brighten the coming days considerably. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Unless you make a concerted effort to be flexible, your plans could come to a halt due to a conflict of interests. If everyone wants something different, nothing much will get done. Yet in the heat of the moment, this might be far from your mind. Take some time out to mull this over and consider the consequences. A little co-operation can bring outstanding results.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A flash of understanding could revolutionize your life if you act on it, and give you a sense of purpose that may have been lacking. Mind, with volatile energies involved, acting on a whim might upset the status quo and find you doubting if you have done the right thing. Balance is key Gemini. Change is in the air, but adopting a steady approach is preferable to being too hasty.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You can be your own best friend Cancer, if you listen to your feelings rather than push them under the carpet. With Venus in your sector of goals aligning with fiery Mars in a subtle zone, something may become obvious the more you reflect on it. If you feel excited when you think about it, it's a good sign. Don't let someone cast doubts on this, and put you off having a go.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Ready for something fresh, Leo? If frustrations around your current situation are spilling over, you may want to relieve them as fast as you can. If tensions have been building, an impulsive move might seem to be the answer, but could you lose out? While today may try your patience, this is a temporary phase. Look to the long-term, and build a sound foundation you'll be proud of.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Keen for something to shift, so you can explore new opportunities? A Moon/Uranus tie could be the catalyst. Before you make a move, consider what is happening in your life now. How much wiggle room do you have? Don't pile too much on your plate, as it might lead to overwhelm. Jettison what you can, and with a few tweaks to your schedule you'll soon be able to go for it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may feel intensely about something that appears trivial on the surface, but for some reason seems to trigger you. This could relate to a social situation, and for a while today you might wonder why this seems to have struck such a deep chord. Have you been pushing your feelings down, Libra? If so, your horoscope suggests a walk in nature can bring the tranquillity and space to be more accepting.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With the Moon angling towards emancipated Uranus, you may crave change, and this could be related to a relationship that seems to be going nowhere. Do you both need more space? While this might be hard in the current climate, don't give up on it just yet. As Venus makes some upbeat aspects over coming days, you can find great pleasure in doing ordinary things together.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may be picking up on subtle changes in mood and feelings that tell you a lot about the bond between you and another. A tie between fiery Mars and ethereal Neptune, encourages you to be consciously aware, rather than avoid the truth. If you are prepared to look at what is really going on, you might learn something about this person's motives that you really didn't know, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You could say a lot more than you intend to, sending a mix of signals that can leave things a tad on edge. If an issue is heavy going, then it may be time to clear the air. Try to do so sensitively, as going too far might put even more pressure on both of you. With Neptune in the mix, a compassionate outlook could assist, as long as you stay real and deal with it, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your perception may be spot on today, so you might notice more of what is going on beneath the surface. An issue can come to a head, and things could be said in the heat of the moment. Try not to take them to heart, as there is also great potential for this to resolve fast. A potent lunar aspect could spotlight an opportunity that may be good for you, if you decide to consider it.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may have an opportunity to up your inner game, or find that a vivid dream brings the creative breakthrough you've been hoping for. A strong focus on a secluded sector might also bring a key issue into the open, and if so, this could be a turning point. If it has been a drain, it can be time to face it, and in doing so, find its hold over you gradually begins to diminish.