Horoscopes Tuesday 5th July 2022

Messenger Mercury moves into sensitive Cancer making it easier to tune into and talk about our feelings even those that are hard to express.

We may find we naturally empathize with others whether we are connecting for the first time or know each other very well. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 5th July 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 5th July 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As Mercury enters Cancer, you'll be concerned about home and family affairs, and getting things in order. But you'll also be keen to keep things ticking over and make sure bills are paid, household expenses are dealt with, and that everything is secure. If you do pick up on financial errors, the Virgo Moon encourages you to remedy them. Don't wait until tomorrow!{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You'll find it easier to develop a rapport with others. Is there someone you need to liaise with for romance, friendship or to gain an advantage? If so, a key influence can help you read between the lines and understand where they are coming from. And if someone needs a shoulder to cry on, they may choose you as their confidant. Your ability to empathize will help them feel better.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You'll have more of an interest in money, making more of it and enhancing your security over coming weeks, as Mercury enters Cancer. But it's your feelings that might motivate you to act, rather than logic. Need reassurance concerning your financial affairs? Getting everything in order and taking back control, if you have lost it, can give you so much peace of mind, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As chatterbox Mercury lights up your sign, you'll be more inclined to talk about yourself, which is no bad thing. Quite often you are the one who listens to others' stories, now you'll be moved to share a few of your own. Speaking out when needed or sharing something important, is part of the give and take of life. Given too much time to others? Now you can redress the balance.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With Mercury joining the Sun in Cancer and your spiritual zone, your psychic faculties can be enhanced. You'll be super-sensitive to vibes, and this could make you reluctant to let the full force of your personality impact the world, in case you do or say something that upsets others. This is a time to trust your inner guidance. In a few weeks, you'll be ready to start roaring again.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Memories of old times could find you organizing a reunion, and enjoying the chance to catch up. As Mercury enters Cancer, you'll also be drawn to those who have new and original ideas, and together you may be able to do something about them. The Moon in your sign aligns with restless Uranus too, so if a friend gives you the seed of an idea, you'll be keen to experiment.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Need to have a word with a boss or supervisor? You'll know when it's the right time to approach them and when to steer clear, especially if you want a pay rise or need a day off. As Mercury enters your career zone, it's a good time to liaise with those who share your goals and ambitions or to rub shoulders with those who have power. Good things may come from being sociable.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your inclination is to look to the bigger picture, as quicksilver Mercury speeds into your travel and adventure zone. You'll be searching for something that consumes you attention, whether it's an opportunity, a new experience or a challenge that comes with a learning curve. But it will also need to capture your heart too. Your horoscope reveals that if you don't feel an emotional pull, interest can quickly wane.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming weeks are perfect for doing some strategic financial planning, to get your money working harder for you and for inviting change into your life, Archer. You'll be keen to discuss vows, promises and commitments that aren't working for you. This might mean renegotiation, especially if you're feeling used. Or if that doesn't help, dropping them and moving swiftly on.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As Mercury moves into your sector of relating, conversations may be revealing. A lot of your ideas will benefit from the feedback gained from others, and your own thoughts might become clearer as a result. It's a time when you can use the power of words to help and advise others, or to bring peace and harmony into your life. You could also be ultra-persuasive if needed.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You'll enhance your efforts to be more productive and get organized, as Mercury hikes into your lifestyle zone. If you've never been a fan of to-do lists and charts, you might suddenly become one, as you'll find them a great way to keep up with all your tasks and track progress. With wellness issues also on the cards, you may be ready to do more exercise and overhaul your diet.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You'll have a strong mental connection with your creativity, and this can lead to ideas about many things, from how to mend something that's gone wrong to channelling your talents in way that brings satisfaction and perhaps earns you money. You'll connect through conversation and shared interests, so if you're looking for new friends or romantic opportunities, you could do well.

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