Mercury turns direct from today in the sign of Libra and this signals a gradual end to the delays and frustrations of recent weeks.
What seemed like a disadvantage or disappointment might now be seen in an entirely new and positive light. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 3rd November 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 3rd November 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Change is in the air, especially where communication is concerned, as talkative Mercury turns direct, gradually easing you into a more productive phase. If it's been impossible to see eye-to-eye with someone, this can change. And although you may still have difficult issues to discuss, there will be a sense of moving to the positive. The Gemini Moon is great for breaking the ice.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you have suffered too many delays over recent weeks, this phase is now coming to an end. Whatever hiccups and snafus you've had to contend with, will slowly unravel. Gadgets that have refused to work may start again or be replaced. Projects that have been on the backburner could move to the top of your agenda. A slow and thorough approach helps too.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Moon in your sign gives you a boost, and makes it easier to share your feelings. As it aligns with Venus and Mars, an encounter could be a high point, and perhaps the start of a friendship. Mercury your ruler pushes forward too, and this can assist with a complex issue that showed no signs of improvement. Soon, you may find helpful solutions beginning to show up Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If life at home has been a tad frustrating lately, the days ahead can reveal signs of more upbeat developments. As chatty Mercury turns direct, your horoscope suggests that one difficulty could begin to ease over the coming week. Mind, with the Moon your ruler in a secluded zone, watch out for intuitive nudges and creative options, gifting you with new ideas that might make life easier at home and at work.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While delectable Venus can bring harmony to everyday affairs, and especially to negotiations and key discussions, Mercury's edgy angle with Saturn may have been a sticking point. From today though, as this inquisitive planet turns direct, things could take a more positive turn, and any logjams might begin to get moving. A conversation can arouse your curiosity, so run with it.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Sun's continued presence in your sector of talk and thought, can inspire you to take a fresh look at people and situations, especially those you may have issues with. Seeing matters in a new light could bring solutions to awkward concerns. Have finances been a cause of discontent? If so, Mercury your ruler turns retrograde today, bringing lively new ideas and options into the mix.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Moon in an expansive zone angles towards lovely Venus and feisty Mars, encouraging you to see the bigger picture regarding certain relationships. In fact, there could be more to a developing bond than meets the eye. Had difficulties getting through to a certain person? As the planet of communication pushes forward from today, a misunderstanding might begin to heal.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Moon in an intense zone can find you questioning things, especially those areas of life of greatest importance to you. However, as lively Mercury turns direct, you may find that one difficulty gradually begins to resolve itself. An insight or a fresh perspective could help you to see it in a way that you never did before. From here, things might begin to look so much rosier.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Felt at odds with a friend or group? With communicator Mercury pushing forward after its three-week retro phase, a misunderstanding may slowly begin to heal. There might still be some contentious conversations to be had, but out of these, something positive can emerge. The Moon in a far-reaching sector could be a call to get in touch with someone who lives far away.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If a deadlock has jeopardised a deal or new opportunity, things can begin to shift from today, and to look more positive. Conversations might be intense for some days to come, but you'll find a way forward, even if it means a compromise. On another note, your curiosity may be piqued, and this could lead you to connect with someone who might assist you with a key goal or ambition.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Any self-created limitations may be seen for what they are, as changeable Mercury pushes forward after its three-week retro phase. It can begin to dawn on you that the only person holding yourself back is you. And that no matter how much you might attribute any difficulties to outside circumstances, a shift in mindset could be all it takes for you to make great progress.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Feel left out of group or team discussions? New strands of communication could open as the week gather pace. Someone's stance might soften, or you may have a change of heart, and decide not to resist ideas or plans that you had objected too. The coming days can find you eager to engage in complex talks, and to find that something worthwhile could emerge from them.