The Moon in Libra forges an awkward aspect to prudent Saturn in Pisces, which can make us aware of our fears and doubts.
This is not to stop us in our tracks, but to encourage us to deal with them and to slowly and gently move beyond them. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 2nd May 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 2nd May 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A potent lunar tie hints at a desire to make a decision that begins a process of change. If you're apprehensive Aries, you may leave it and hope for the best. While easier, if you really want something to shift, then it might be wiser to dive in and do what you need to do. Don't give in to complacency, as the sooner you get this sorted out, the more opportunities you will have.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As lovely Venus currently angles towards Neptune, you may have a desire for something, even if you can't put it into words. And yet, the smallest of gifts given to others, such as a smile or some encouragement, will flow back to you in ways you might never have expected. If you feel unsatisfied for any reason, reaching out to assist another can leave you much happier, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A key angle with dreamy Neptune hints at a misunderstanding. You could take someone's words at face value if they sound convincing enough. And yet a powerful Moon/Pluto link suggests your instincts might kick in, encouraging you to ask a few searching questions and ignore anything that doesn't ring true. If you sense you're being taken for a ride, do something!
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may have far more ability than you give yourself credit for, although another might need to point this out. With the current star map highlighting a nebulous blend of energies, you might realize how much you have downplayed your best side. Ready to live to your full potential? A transformative aspect encourages you to overcome your limits and aim for the stars, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You could probably do without too many distractions, and you may have to make a big effort to focus on what needs doing. The temptation to linger over interesting conversations or to engage with social media, might mean you miss out on key opportunities. Before you get going today, make a list of your priorities Leo, to ensure you make every moment count. Don't miss out!
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Surprise, surprise, Virgo! Today is filled with variety, a mystery to be resolved and a chance encounter that could be a gamechanger. You might tune out though, and turn your attention elsewhere, which means you may lose out. If your instincts are telling you to connect with someone or go somewhere, then go with it, as exciting developments can be on their way.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Something interesting may come to light that your horoscope suggests can bring a rush of positivity your way, Libra. It could involve new information on finances that puts things on a more interesting footing, and leaves you feeling relieved. It's likely you'll need to fill in paperwork and sign something first though, so be sure it all checks out before you go ahead. You don't want to have any regrets later.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Try as you might to get to the bottom of something, it could seem impossible, Scorpio. No matter how you attempt to pin it down, it can seem to slide out of reach and to evade you. Something may change today as the Moon aligns with Pluto. A crucial insight might pave the way for a new understanding. Digging deep with determined focus could make it accessible at last.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While there can be a tendency to let things drift over coming days, you could miss out on a dynamic opportunity if you do. A lunar line-up hints that putting your energy into an idea that might enhance your income may be hard work, but well worth it. Once you get going and see the possibilities available to you, a sense of purpose could keep you on track and motivated.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Sometimes the advice others give is worse than useless, and this is the situation you might find yourself in now. Following your own reasoning is likely to produce solid results and solutions, as opposed to ideas that may be way off the mark. You could be tempted by someone's persuasive approach, but you would be wise to ignore them Capricorn, and to trust your own judgement.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Moon's angle with Pluto, can bring someone into your sphere who you click with right away. Sense you could be friends? If so, you might want to connect more often. You won't regret it. You may also be intrigued by something that you've taken for granted. It can be a relationship or creative project that has been running in the background, and now seems of vital importance.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Need some inspiration? Venus's developing tie with Neptune, suggests that reading, watching an inspirational movie or listening to an uplifting talk, could leave you feeling so much better. If you have doubted yourself lately, some wise words can be just the thing to get you back on track. Plus, someone may have truthful information for you that might burst an illusionary bubble.