Today’s Horoscopes Tuesday 29th September 2015

The Moon in Aries, goes face-to-face with the retreating Mercury. It's probably going to be a good idea just to catch ourselves should we be tempted to speak out controversially.
Even the most innocent comment can be misinterpreted. Yet what is going to help clarity despite this, is that Jupiter is moving away from the opposition that it's been involved with with Neptune for much of September. If at times fact has seemed stranger than fiction, this is why , and with Jupiter's growing connection to Pluto, mysteries can now be an unravelled. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 29th September 2015 please read below… 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

For swifter progress check important details, as unless you're clear, others may not understand your true intentions. For with Mercury's retrograde on-going, we all need to work at avoiding mishaps. Ironically, should something go awry there's a good chance that any delays could benefit you now or over the long-term.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you're looking for a chink of light around an issue then today's Moon Uranus link can bring the insights you need. In addition, try to stay focused on one thing at a time so as to avoid scattering your energies, especially if you're feeling somewhat restless. A task with a challenge built-in can be perfect to keep you fully engaged.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It can be a fine day to get friends involved, particularly if you have projects on that require an extra pair of hands. Whatever needs to be done, there's bound to be someone who will chip in and help. Meanwhile, you could get a surprise should an old acquaintance show up out of the blue with news – and perhaps a quirky suggestion. {copytag:[560]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be on a quest for knowledge that can help you make more of your life or provide information to fire up a plan. If so, you're on the right track as Mars and Jupiter encourage you to expand your knowledge. And doing so can lead to the chance of a better job or the opportunity to make life generally more agreeable.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The desire to be more creative with your resources can see you looking to invest in ways that will enhance your situation. Studying might be one avenue that supplies you with new options, while also giving you the chance to also improve your income. You may even find that picking up on an old hobby has positive consequences.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Are you riveted by the many ideas running through your mind? Great, if so Virgo. The number of possibilities open to you may seem endless and inviting too. However, as Jupiter moves to link with Pluto one of them could shine out from the rest. All this may prove a challenge and involve hard work but be ultimately satisfying.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The past can be echoing strongly in your here and now. In part this can be down to Mars's transit through Virgo which can stir up a cascade of memories and unresolved hurts. Some of your thoughts may be based around unique experiences, others could be linked to relationships and hobbies. In fact an old interest can grip you again.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may need to adopt a flexible approach to plans, as there's a chance of disruption or of events not working out quite as first hoped. Even so, today's Moon Uranus energies suggest you'll be quick off the mark with bright ideas and solutions, particularly if you're caught out and need to act fast to keep certain problems at bay.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you're feeling frustrated due to apparent obstacles, it might be the square between Mars Saturn causing hiccups. However, these should slowly ease over coming days leaving the path clear for you to push ahead. And of course Mercury's continuing rewind is another reason why misunderstandings can seem more prevalent.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Current planetary influences may get you thinking about beliefs you've taken on board, and whether replacing some of them might enhance your outlook on life. Currently, Mars can encourage a desire for freedom whilst also bringing your attention to those situations where a change of attitude may well benefit you greatly.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may learn more by doing than studying, as ongoing experience will likely be more valuable than any amount of theory. Indeed although current influences encourage research and information gathering, you might discover that by getting on with things you get a better feel for a subject along with an intuitive understanding.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Is someone objecting to your idea? Though Mars is start to move away from its link with Saturn, it could still impede progress. In addition, this tie-up might coincide with a person who offers a good argument as to why you shouldn't continue. Yet, as the week progresses, their voice may recede, whilst your resolve gets stronger.