Horoscopes Tuesday 26th April 2016

A positive lunar tie with the easygoing Venus can help smooth the way ahead and temper any impulsive urges that might show up today.

In fact, by being willing to liaise with others or another a tricky situation could reveal a more promising side, giving something to aim for. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 26th April 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 26th April 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If you are guided only by past experiences, don't let the more negative ones influence you too much. With the Moon in Sagittarius making a stunning angle to Venus in Aries, do trust in yourself. Perhaps the way ahead lies in not over thinking your next moves, though the current and active Taurus focus can encourage calculated risks – but do your sums well. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A small but unexpected windfall or a positive event that occurs out of the blue could leave you feeling you're not alone and that the cosmos has your best interests at heart. Equally possible is an encounter with someone who may have advice that is pertinent to your situation. Such events may not happen very often, but when they do you truly appreciate them.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Jupiter's ongoing connection with Saturn may be responsible for the tension you feel concerning someone close, especially as your opinions are likely to be very different concerning an important issue. In fact, your horoscope suggests this is where the real problem may lie. Given time though, you'll probably find it becomes easier to forge compromises, even if this takes some conversations.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Sometimes all it takes is one positive event to chase away any life frustrations that have built up. The Moon's sparkling link to Venus may bring good news in the form of an agreeable conversation with someone influential. From this, a positive change in working conditions or your worldly role are possible. A good rapport is certainly no bad thing.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As Jupiter continues to oppose Neptune across the financial axis of your chart, your budget needs careful marshalling. No matter how tempting an offer or purchase might be, you may be better to hold back until you are really sure. In fact, with Mars rewinding in your creative zone, even what seems like a simple project may turn out to be more expensive than it first seems.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The present planetary backdrop could see you becoming involved in a relationship that has no clear boundaries. This may be hard to resist though because there may be something compelling about the tie despite any more obvious complications. There is also the potential for family interference or to react fiercely one minute and too passively the next, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may be best working behind the scenes rather than promoting personal projects. In fact, this can be an excellent time to open yourself up to the creative forces within you and allow your imagination free rein. It may not be helpful to involve others in your plans for now though, as you might benefit from exploring what's really important to you, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There can be a chance that you are being too accommodating. Indeed, if friends get the idea you're available most of the time, you might be inundated with invites. There's also the financial picture to consider, as you could end up spending money on social events or outings that become a drain on your resources. Deftly opt out when it is necessary.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Keeping everyone happy including yourself could be a bit of a balancing act, especially as current influences can make it difficult to stay motivated. The coming days may be easier if you avoid becoming preoccupied with any one plan over another – and remain flexible. Also factor in that things may not go at the pace that you would like, and prepare for this.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the Moon in a more secluded area of your chart and making a positive aspect to Venus in your family sector, hidden treasures may come to light. In fact, this can be a good day to rummage around in hidden corners or areas of clutter and see what you can find. If you've been thinking of selling a few unwanted items this can raise a tidy sum, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Have certain friendships been affected by a spate of misunderstandings? If so, a warm and equable blend of lunar energies can help set things to rights. Make a point of consciously reaching out to anyone where this may have occurred. Over coming days also look to pay attention to any original and inventive ideas that you generate. One could be a gem.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may be justified in wanting to spend money over the next day or so if it's to impress someone, either for a job interview or to enable you to stand out from the crowd. Indeed, the extra expense looks to be a wise investment if it helps you get your desired outcome. Even so Pisces, by enhancing your image other potential bonuses may well come your way.