Horoscopes Tuesday 23rd October 2018

The Sun's move into Scorpio from today for a four week stay can give us a laser-like focus, enabling us to see things in more depth.

This can be an opportunity to understand why certain situations have lingered and what we can do to untangle them. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 23rd October 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The coming days can be filled with energy and some tension as the Sun moves into Scorpio, opposes electric Uranus and ushers in a Full Moon tomorrow. If you feel like everything is happening at once this may be why. Simplify your routine if you can and delay important decisions. For by biding your time for a few days, out of the chaos some sparkling ideas can be born. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With a gathering of planets in your sector of relating and a Full Moon in your sign tomorrow, things between you and another could reach fever pitch. You may sense that something is about to happen, even if you aren't sure what. Cosmic forces suggest that there could be a breakthrough. Paradoxically, making more time for yourself could bring you even closer Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As the Sun glides into your lifestyle sector from today for a four week stay, it can be an opportunity to take stock and consider how energetic you feel. If vitality is low, then it might be because certain activities are too routine or even a tad stressful. With a dynamic focus in this sector, this is your chance to reorganize your days so that they are positive and uplifting.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The coming weeks can be an opportunity to revel in those things that bring you pleasure. With a powerful focus on a dynamic sector, you may feel physically and emotionally recharged when you follow your passion, whether for a hobby or a significant other. Don't try to be too perfect as you could hold yourself back. Be your natural self, as your horoscope hints that everything should then fall nicely into place.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Sun your ruler, moves into Scorpio and your domestic sector for the coming four weeks, which can see you seeking some quiet time. Your home might be a busy place, but this influence can work at a deeper level encouraging you to attend to your needs, especially if you have been busy giving to others. If you feel depleted, this is your chance to give back to yourself.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be busy hatching up plots and plans. Yet over coming days, information could see you putting these to one side and looking to other ideas that seem to sparkle with extra promise. You may be tempted to leap into action, but it is better to wait until the initial excitement has calmed down, as you'll get a better understanding of what could work and what likely won't.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Security can be something you think about a fair amount over coming weeks, along with considerations about what might make your life more comfortable. Conversely, if any situation is causing insecurity, this too will benefit from a closer look, if it has been ongoing for some time. Seek for long-term solutions though, and don't be tempted by any short-cuts.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The coming weeks can see your vitality increasing, as the radiant Sun moves into your sign from today for a four week stay. This can be an empowering time for you when positive strides are possible. Even so, there can be a lack of conviction at times. This may be down to Venus's continuing rewind. Don't let this stop you, keep moving step-by-step forwards Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming weeks can be a time of self-discovery and self-improvement. A potential to focus on inner change means your outer circumstances could alter for the better. If you can let go of old patterns of thinking and find closure on emotional issues, it may leave space for fresh possibilities to blossom. The more you can release the past, the more positive the future looks.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You can gain much from linking up with others, whether for fun or to help with projects. You may be a necessary part of the action, with your ability to organize and your deft handling of situations. As the Sun enters your social zone for a four week stay, it may be time to take stock and let go of those connections that serve no lasting purpose and focus on those that do.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may sense that you have the potential to go further and exceed your expectations, but to do so may require a bit of a push. You'll need to decide whether it is worth putting in the extra work, and what might be the outcome if you do. It may be that certain activities are no longer necessary and take up time and energy. Free yourself from these and you could soon soar.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As positive Jupiter moves through the last few degrees of your adventure zone, you may find yourself drawn to opportunities that you could still take advantage of. If someone offers you a trip or vacation and you are keen, then say so. If you've wondered about other options and have not decided, do some research, as one could appeal and it may prove life-changing.