As convivial Venus merges with dreamy Neptune, this can be an excellent aspect for all kinds of creative and imaginative work.
However, we might also gain a lot of enjoyment from watching an inspirational movie or getting lost in a really good novel. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 20th February 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 20th February 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
It may seem that you have less control over events than you would normally, and this can be due to the line-up of planets in a more secluded sector. However, with the Moon in your sign linking to electric Uranus, there might be impatience with the pace of events. If you feel like acting on impulse to speed things up, then think carefully, as a measured approach could work out best. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As Venus, your ruler, moves to link with the ethereal Neptune in your social zone, you may find yourself drawn to someone for their artistic or creative abilities. It's also possible that you may find them very compassionate and amenable, and very soothing to be around. With this aspect in focus over coming days, this could be the start of a friendship that can be very fulfilling Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
There may be so many possibilities open to you that you could find it hard to choose which to pursue and which to leave alone for now. If this is the case Gemini, then don't feel you have to decide right away. Consider going with the flow, as with perceptive Mercury aligning with sobering Saturn over the next day or so, one plan could stand out and attract your attention.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
There could be solace in reading spiritual or self-help books that elevate your perceptions and help you see the bigger picture. If you've had issues dealing with certain aspects of life, then the words of someone who has been through similar experiences and come through them, can give you a boost. If you are dealing with people in authority though, look to avoid hasty moves.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Although you may feel it is wise to keep certain matters to yourself, this could be more difficult than it should be. With the Moon linking to the restless qualities of Uranus, you might say something by accident or give your secret away on impulse. However, it may be the response of others that really surprises you, as it is possible that they may have known about this all along.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The coming days can bring an opportunity to pair up with someone concerning an idea of yours Virgo. While you may have practical experience of what you hope to accomplish, the other person could embellish your plans with imaginative suggestions that can make a positive difference. On another note, a romantic aspect could see you enjoying a special evening out.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If nothing seems clear cut, then it may be because Venus, your guide planet, is moving to link with dreamy Neptune in your lifestyle sector, and meetings or conversations might bring confusion rather than clarity. Mind, as the Moon aligns with electric Uranus in your relationship zone, a desire to cut through any muddles can see you being honest, which might allow others to be too.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It may be tempting to dismiss a suggestion as being impractical, but this could be because you haven't looked into it for long enough. Although the present line-up could encourage you to make a snap decision, don't feel you have to. With logical Mercury in a dynamic sector linking to cautious Saturn in your mind zone, you may find that as you reflect on it, it grows on you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Although you may have planned to do things around the house or perhaps to relish a pampering session, any such ideas may fall by the wayside if someone offers a chance for an enjoyable outing. This may be a spur of the moment invite, but if you have been craving some excitement, then this could be your opportunity. It might require extra cash, but in this case, it can be worth it.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If someone makes a promise, don't assume that they won't renege on it. They may not do so on purpose, but more because they could forget or become distracted. The same could be true of you too, which is why it could be a good idea to make a list of tasks over coming days and keep it to hand. You could get more done, and be much less likely to miss anything.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As reasoning Mercury in your money sector makes a tie to the prudent Saturn in a more secluded area, you may come to understand the true cost of certain beliefs that have kept you within your comfort zone. Such insights can be a good thing, as you might now feel moved to go beyond them. And although uncomfortable at times, your horoscope hints this could turn out positively Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
An impulsive buy may seem appealing, but could prove disappointing later. With the Moon merging with edgy Uranus in your sector of finances, an item may have that instant appeal, and it could be very tempting to purchase it on the spot. If you can wait a few days though, you'll be able to assess how you really feel. If you still want it, go for it, if not, you can save some money.