The Sun in Aries squares off with Pluto in Capricorn, so we could feel some resentment to someone in authority.
Rather than speak our minds, a diplomatic conversation would be the better option as it's more likely to bring a positive result. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 19th April 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 19th April 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Are you over-run with possessions? If so, it may be best to sell them, or give them away so someone else can make use of them. If you're surrounded by clutter, then you might be oblivious to the effect it has on you, until you get rid of it. With the focus on Taurus set to ramp up, it could be time for a good clear out. You'll feel happier and perhaps a tad richer, once you make a start.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may be in an outward-going mood, with an emphasis on self-expression which looks set to increase. Busy reflecting on how best to tackle key issues? If so, it's time to get into action. This could be the hardest, yet most rewarding part though. Over the next day or so, plans will move from theory into practice, and you'll be ready to leave the past behind and get a move on, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You could get more introspective, as the focus on a spiritual sector continues. This isn't your usual style, as you are often known for being the life and soul of the party and a fabulous conversationalist. For now, you might feel the urge to evaluate your progress, and reflect on areas where you can do better. Jettison emotional baggage and find closure, and soon you'll flourish.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
From working hard to playing hard, the cosmos encourages you out and about, as sociable Mercury aligns with convivial Venus. Today looks promising, and brings options for interesting encounters and uplifting discussions. Another delightful aspect encourages healing through discussion. Whatever is bothering you could be eased by a heartfelt chat and a listening ear.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The weeks ahead can be your time to shine, and hold your space in the spotlight. With inquisitive Mercury now in a prominent sector, it's time to link with others who share your goals and ambitions, and to reach out to those on your wavelength. A helpful Mercury/Venus tie could pave the way for a discussion that encourages you to put a helpful and innovative idea to the test, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A conversation could inspire you to try something new, and it might be the best thing you do for yourself. If a friend is already involved, they may introduce you to a whole new world. No matter what else you have on your plate, it's worth having a go, Virgo. You might not stick with this, but something else that piques your interest on route can do, and could stay with you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With thoughtful Mercury in a secretive sector, you may feel like keeping certain matters to yourself. And why not? Yet if something is really bugging you, a coffee and a chat with a friend could leave you much relieved. There are some things that are better out than in, Libra. A positive tie also suggests that a quiet word in someone's ear might swing a decision your way.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As inquisitive Mercury encourages co-operation and companionship, the coming days hint at a more balanced view of life and other people. This trend can be good for relationships and your social life. Plus, with the planet of talk and thought aligning with Venus, you might enjoy some uplifting social events. A friendly meal, get-together or outing, may be perfect for unwinding.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Feel an urge to get organized and streamline your affairs, so you can be more productive? Gathering your thoughts could be a good place to start. You'll get a lot more done if you know what your priorities are in the first place. Yet whatever you have planned, you could be easily distracted, as someone might ask you for a coffee and a chat. If you go, don't feel guilty, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
After a time when domestic matters have been at the top of your agenda, the cosmos encourages you to be playful, creative and expressive. And relationship options may be on the cards too. Mercury's tie with Venus, suggests you could get along with someone so well you'll feel at ease with them right away. They might become a friend, or there can be potential for romance.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Life can take on a personal and homely quality, which could see you spending more time with family, working on domestic projects and enjoying some relaxation when possible. Mercury aspects sweet Venus, which might set the stage for a pleasant get-together. Keen to give your place a stylish makeover? Be practical. Cost it out first rather than be too ambitious.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The days ahead usher in a positive phase, as the Sun enters your communication zone from tomorrow. Your horoscope reveals that you'll be more eager to network, engage with friends and family, and become acquainted with developments in your local area. Have ideas to launch a website or start an Internet business? The coming weeks can see you getting off to an excellent start, Pisces.